‘The Hangover’ as a Hitchcock-Style Thriller | Trailer Mix

Trailer Mix is a weekly series that re-imagines your favorite films as entirely different genres. This week, we gave the 2009 comedy ‘The Hangover’ an Alfred Hitchcock treatment! New episodes of Trailer Mix released every Monday: http://on.mash.to/SubscribeWatercooler

More ‘Trailer Mix’ episodes: http://on.mash.to/TrailerMixPlaylist

Edited by Ian Beckman
Narrated by Ian Beckman
Executive Producer: Dustin McLean

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Mashable is a leading global media company that informs, inspires and entertains the digital generation.

What Are Dental Dams? 3 Lesbians Hilariously Try to Explain.

What exactly is a dental dam? Is it a veneer? What does it smell like? Does it taste like anything? Should you give a damn about it? Three lesbians explore these questions and more as they play with what is supposed to be the “lesbian condom.”

Hey. Hey, you. Yes, YOU! If you like what you see, please make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this.

Also, every time you leave a comment, a kitten happily purrs itself to sleep. Let us know what you like, or even love, in the comments below. We want to hear from you!

Mashable is a leading global media company that informs, inspires and entertains the digital generation.

Sandwich Recipes – How to Make Fried Peanut Butter & Jelly

Get the recipe for Fried Peanut Butter & Jelly at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/246278/fried-pb-j/

You’ll be the automatic hit of whatever party you go to when you bring these little fried pockets of joy. Fresh from the fryer they’re full of hot rhubarb and berry jam and melty peanut butter and they make the kid in everyone happy. Once they’re assembled, they fry up fast and are perfectly crisp and ready to eat.

#صاحي : #الحق_ينقال – داعش في الرياض !

قناة صاحي تطلق الحلقة الثالثة من برنامج ” الحق ينقال ” والذي يقدمه عمر حسين و يطرح في كل حلقة قضية اجتماعية حساسة ويسآل: ماذا ستفعل لو كنت في هذا الموقف؟

قناة صاحي
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20 Amazing Secrets About Superhero Movies [KYM]

Here Are 20 Amazing Facts About Your Favorite Superhero Movies
Subscribe to our channel : http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:
MARVEL VS DC: How Justice League Could Beat The Avengers https://youtu.be/sJrMsTdgNCM
10 Superheroes Who Would Be Real-life Psychopaths https://youtu.be/tMuMtBTUg44

With movie studios spending millions to bring comic book superheroes to life, and outshine the competition, you would think that almost all of their efforts and energy winds up on the screen. But you’d be surprised to learn that some of the best superhero stories come from behind the camera, before they ever start rolling. Here is another dose of insider trivia in our latest edition of Know Your Movies: 20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Superhero Movies.

Script by: Andrew Dyce @andrewbdyce

Voice Over by: Rob Flis @Rob_Flis

Man Of Steel | 0:26
Batman V Superman | 0:56
Guardians Of The Galaxy | 1:43
Ant-Man | 2:16
Iron Man 3 | 2:34
Iron Man 2 | 2:47
X-Men | 3:00
Batman Begins | 3:28
Deadpool | 4:01
The Wolverine | 4:45
Suicide Squad | 5:03
Captain America: The Winder Solider | 5:19

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The WAN Show – All Hail NVIDIA! – April 1, 2016



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Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/the-wan-show-all-hail-our-new-nvidia-overlords-april-1-2016

Timestamps courtesy of Sam Tilling (IPickle), JJMC89, Baxtmann & Ghost

00:07:53 – Tesla Model 3 Announced
00:30:00 – The Tesla Master Plan
00:38:50 – Lawmakers pushing to make owning an unregistered prepaid phone illegal (USA)
00:46:35 – Sponsor: Squarespace
00:48:30 – Sponsor: Freshbooks
00:51:30 – Holoportation from Microsoft
00:57:37 – Intel Broadwell-EP Launched
———– (April Fools)
01:04:10 – The Razer Toaster (Razer)
01:05:12 – NZXT SHUE+ (NZXT)
01:06:15 – GeForce GTX Energy (Nvidia)
01:07:45 – Snoopavision (YouTube)
01:09:02 – Binge On Up (T-Mobile)
———– (Rapid Fire)
01:13:23 – AMD Announces FirePro S9300 X2: Dual Fiji for HPC
01:14:25 – Project Astoria Dead, Microsoft Baking Ubuntu’s Bash and Linux Command Line Into Windows 10
01:16:58 – Apple Developing Batteries to Improve Energy Capacity in Devices
01:19:46 – University of California Irvine announces an E-Sports scholarship
01:22:00 – (Rumor) PlayStation 4K to be announced just before PlayStation VR