Tip 2: Protect Your Stuff

Most of us have things on the web that we want to keep safe. One of the best ways to keep those things secure is to make sure that you have set strong passwords on your accounts. Protecting your stuff also means locking devices and your screens and logging out of accounts on public and shared computers. Leaving screens and accounts open could result in unwanted account accessing.

For more information about Tip 2: Protect Your Stuff, the Online Safety Roadshow, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out: http://google.com/safetycenter

Jaguar F Type SVR blasting through NYC

Park Avenue tunnel in New York has been shut down, and Mark Tisshaw is on standby with the keys to the 200mph Jaguar F-Type SVR. You know what’s coming. Listen and enjoy!

To find out more about the Jaguar F-Type SVR and our tunnel run, click here: http://bit.ly/1o6XMyv

Tip 5: Be Positive

Treat others the way you want to be treated, offline and online! Being positive on the web means that you should only post, comment or forward something, if you wouldn’t mind someone doing the same to you.

For more information about Tip 5: Be Positive, the Online Safety Roadshow, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out: http://google.com/safetycenter

Tip 4: Avoid Scams

Know how to identify scams online. If someone offers you some new shoes, a free iPad or an all expense paid trip to Hawaii, you should be suspicious. These offers might seem harmless, but these could be dangerous ways to get your personal information.

For more information about Tip 4: Avoid Scams, the Online Safety Roadshow, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out: wwww.google.com/safetycenter

Tip 3: Know & Use Your Settings

The settings on the sites you visit allow you to choose what you share and who you share with. Understand and adjust your settings on the sites and apps you use so that you only share with those people that you want to share with. This means posts, geotagging, photo uploading, profiles, and more.

For more information about Tip 3: Know & Use Your Settings, the Online Safety Roadshow, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out: http://google.com/safetycenter

Tip 1: Think Before You Share

To help create the best version of your online story, remember to think before you share. Anything you post online can be forwarded, copied, and found, and travel farther than you intended it to. What you share, and who you share it with, can end up saying a lot about you. So remember to be thoughtful!

For more information about Tip 1: Think Before You Share, the Online Safety Roadshow, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out: http://google.com/safetycenter

Guys Try Mustaches For A Week

“I love you… but it’s gross.”

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Acorn Beginnings
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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

SFX provided by Audioblocks. 

Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam


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