Far Cry Primal – Speed art (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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VALENTINE’S DAY FOR LOSERS. (Legend Of The Brofist – Part 06)

iOS download: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ
Android download: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw
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PewDiePie Clothing:

My Game:
PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist
Apple: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ
Android: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw

My Book:
This Book Loves You

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Thanks for being a bro!
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
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Eddie the Eagle | “America Cheers for Eddie” TV Commercial | 20th Century FOX

Inspired by true events, Eddie the Eagle is a feel-good story about Michael “Eddie” Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach (played by Hugh Jackman), Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. From producers of Kingsman: The Secret Service, Eddie the Eagle stars Taron Egerton as Eddie, the loveable underdog with a never say die attitude.

Cast: Taron Egerton, Christopher Walken, and Hugh Jackman

Directed by Dexter Fletcher

Now on Blu-ray & DVD: http://bit.ly/EddieBluray
Now on Digital HD: http://bit.ly/EddieTheEagleDHD

Connect with Eddie the Eagle Online:
Visit Eddie the Eagle on our WEBSITE: http://fox.co/EddieTheEagleSite
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About 20th Century FOX:
Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more.

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Eddie the Eagle | “America Cheers for Eddie” TV Commercial | 20th Century FOX

Brahms’ Lullaby | Bedtime Music | Super Simple Songs

Bedtime? Try this soothing rendition of Brahms’ Lullaby. Nighty night 🙂

Music: Traditional
Video: Copyright 2016 Super Simple Learning®

If you like this video, we recommend you check out the Super Simple Songs Lullaby Playlist with more soothing songs: https://youtu.be/OheHnFixwVk?list=PLd…

Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets for our songs in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:

Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, Books, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/

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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

تحدي عصر البرتقال مع بدر !!

سناب شات/ETooKB :SnapChat

10 of the Sexiest Female Villains in Games

10 of the Sexiest Female Villains in Games! We’ve compiled a list of some of the sexiest female villains in video games, just for you.
● Help TGN Reach 1,000,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscribe! http://bit.ly/1KJq3G2 ●

Voiced by TGN Partner, Moxness: https://twitter.com/JonathanMoxness

Edited by TGN Partner, Pedro:

Written by Jordan Atkins


TGN collaborates with partners directly to create content for this channel and are always looking for more talented creators:

Partner with TGN ➜ http://bit.ly/1VDyHq3

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TGN Minecraft ➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/TGNMinecraft

TGN Twitch ➜ http://www.twitch.tv/tgn
Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)


Black Holes Colliding Remixed as Justin Bieber’s “Sorry”

After the world received proof that gravitational waves exist via the detections of two black holes colliding, scientists converted the signal from the impact into sound.

Well, you’re welcome, you no longer have to choose between the two soundtracks of your meaningless existence: two black holes crashing into each other (evidence of ripples in the fabric of space and time) and Justin Bieber.

This black hole audio remixed to the beat of “Sorry” will be stuck in your head forever while you float aimlessly through the void.

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► WTF Is… – Firewatch ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the first person mystery game from Campo Santo.
Review code was supplied by the developers free of charge.
Get it here: http://bit.ly/1LmH0kL

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