A New Generation of Game Hunters in the Netherlands

In this MUNCHIES special, we follow a number of young people who represent a new generation of hunters. Noni Kooiman and Jessica Ydo are both chefs in Amsterdam; they are training to be hunters so that they’re able to literally look their meat in the eye. Sjoerd Evenhuis worked as a chef in several restaurants before he became a professional big-game hunter who now supplies meat directly. And then there’s Max, a student who likes to eat meat, but prefers not to buy it in the supermarket. He hunts without a permit, because he finds there are plenty of rabbits around the city to be found.

Although the hunters in this film are in various stages of their hunting career, their motives are the same: They think wild meat, which is not messed with, is the best.

Sailing the High Seas With the Arctic Chef: http://bit.ly/1NNemJ9

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تطبيق أندرويد غريب وإستعماله اكثر غرابة يجب عليك تجربته على هاتفك

في هذا الڤيديو احببت ان اشاركك تطبيق غريب جدا وإستعماله اغرب . ولكن يمكنك إستعماله بشكل شخصي في عدة مسائل متعلقة بالحياة اليومية .

تحميل التطبيق :

مواضيع تطرقت اليها سابقا :
الحلقة 1106 :إصنع بنفسك اقوى Power bank للهاتف يمكنك إستعماله لازيد من 6 مرات

الحلقة 1105 :اشاركك 11 موقع تشكل مصدر تعلمي لأشياء جديدة على الانترنت {مواقع ستبهرك}

الحلقة 1104 : تعلم كيف تفحص السيارات وتتنبأ بالمشاكل التقنية والميكانيكية قبل وقوعها بالهاتف

الحلقة 1103 : برنامج صغير ورائع يخبرك مالذي يجعل حاسوبك بطيئا (عليك بتجربته)

الحلقة 1102 : كيف تستعمل خدمة الـ VOIP رغما عن انف شركات الإتصال وتتصل بالمجان بدون VPN

الحلقة 1101 : شاهد كيف يمكن توقيف شبكة ويفي عن العمل بدون تطبيقات ولا برامج (جرب بنفسك)

الحلقة 1100 : خطير : إعرف مكان تواجد اي شخص بدون أنترنت (جرب بنفسك مدهش)

الحلقة 1099 : جهاز لم تكن تشاهده إلا في الافلام الان يمكنك إستعماله مع هاتفك اندرويد

الحلقة 1098:طريقة ستبهرك حتما لجعل الانترنت بالفعل سريع جدا ! و بدون تلك البرامج الكاذبة

الحلقة 1097: لهذه الاسباب أعجبني NOTE 5 و Gear S2 من شركة سامسونغ

الحلقة 1096: طرق مدهشة وغير معروفة تقوم بإظهار قوائم (Menu) سرية على التلفاز
الحلقة 1095:كيف تصلح جميع الهواتف الصينية والمقلدة بنفسك وبسهولة !

الحلقة 1094:خطير هكذا تسرق معلومات اي بطاقة مصرفية بإستعمال ادوات منزلية فقط وجرب بنفسك !

الحلقة 1093:كيف تختار افضل كيبل لإستعماله مع الدش وكيف تكشف عن الكيبلات المزورة

الحلقة 1092:طريقة لايعرفها الاغلبية تجعل حاسوبك المحمول يلتقط إشارات الويفي البعيدة بجودة عالية

الحلقة 1091:تحذير شديد اللهجة من شراء اللوحات إلكترونية التي تباع في برنامج لوحتي !!

الحلقة 1090:هكذا حصلت على علامة التوثيق من يوتوب و اشاركك الطريقة

الحلقة 1089: تعلم طريقة سحرية تجعل مصابيح المنزل تعمل ببطارية صغيرة فقط !

الحلقة 1088:كيف تحذف 1 جيغا من الملفات الغير ظاهرة في هاتفك أندرويد

الحلقة 1087:كيف ترصد ردارات مراقبة سرعة السيارات حتى وإن كانت مخبأة عن بعد

الحلقة 1086:هكذا يمكن إختراق كميراهاتف اندرويد والتجسس عليهما عن بعد (جرب بنفسك )

الحلقة 1085: 4إستعمالات غيرعادية للبطاريات ستنقدك في العديد من المواقف

الحلقة 1084:كيف تجعل كميرا الهاتف تسجل في سرية ودون شد إنتباه الناس إليك

كيف ترسل ملف بدون أنترنت إلى اي حاسوب عن طريق الصوت وإلى اي مكان في العالم

7 Things Most People Get Wrong

Have you heard of the Mandela Effect? GMM #848!
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show “Good Mythical Morning.” Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best! – Rhett & Link

Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Production Assistant: Mike Criscimagna
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Outro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel of Mythicality Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Sound effects provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/

Top 10 Closing Shots of All Time

The final moments of a movie can make things feel complete, leave you wanting more, and bring out deep emotions. Here are our Top 10 Closing Shots in History! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

What did you think of the list? Do you disagree with any of our picks? Feel like we left out or mis-represented any of the films? What do you think are the final shots in film? Has the closing shot of a movie ever made you cry?

What other topics would you like to see us cover in future editions of CineFix Movie Lists?

Let us know in the comments!


Symbolic – 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Kubrick set out to avoid “intellectual verbalization,” opting instead to try to speak directly to the subconscious.

Thematic – A Serious Man (2009)
A whirlwind of biblical proportions, a fate unknown, and the impending promise of more punishment.

Visually Stunning – The Piano (1993)
The main character, hanging lifeless, attached to her sunken piano in a fantasy of her aborted suicide that she claims “lulls her to sleep.”

Visually Inventive – Gangs of New York (2002)
From mid-19th century Manhattan to Brooklyn Bridge to Empire State to the World Trade, this multilayered shot perfectly visualizes the growth of New York and a city’s relationship with the history upon which it is built.

Tied Up In a Bow w. a Cherry on Top – Fight Club (1999)
It’s the kind of fairytale ending that every little boy and girl dreams about, hand in hand with the chain-smoking love of their life that they’ve finally won over from their other personality, brain dripping out through a bullethole in the back of their head watching the bastions of American Capitalism crumble to the ground in the sexiest domestic terror attack ever.

Cliffhanger/Twist – Inception (2010)
The spinning top, a single shot that inspires this much deep analysis of character plot and theme along with the underlying philosophies and mythologies of the film is automatically a massive success.

Perfectly Summarizes – The Searchers (1956)
After every major relationship is wrapped up happily, it ends on John Wayne as Ethan, without a place to come home to, a discarded tool of a more violent time, the door closing on him just like it did Kay.

Emotionally Haunting – Stalker (1979)
It defies an easily verbalized explanation. The psychokinesis might be a half-granted wish. The roar of the train is probably the future rushing towards us. But – again – does it really matter?

Freeze Frame – The 400 Blows (1959)
The definition of open-ended, Antoine’s look is basically the cinematic version of the Mona Lisa Smile. Is he happy? Hopeful? Uncertain? Disillusioned? Is he paralyzed and trapped, or condemning the society that failed him? The look is anything and everything at once, meaning something new to everyone.

Iconic – Casablanca (1942)
From Medium Close to Extreme Wide, there’s no better way to say goodbye to a well-loved character and story.

Want to send us stuff?

c/o Mike Cruz
PO BOX 351213
Los Angeles, CA 90035

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NEW Samsung Galaxy S7 – FINAL Leaks & Rumors PART 2

Samsung Galaxy S7 – Specs, Camera, Design, Release Date & Price

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Fight Night London: Fans Get a Surprise

Watch Fight Night London: Bisping vs Silva live and exclusive on UFC FIGHT PASS – http://www.ufc.tv/video/silva-vs-bisping

UFC Senior Vice President of Content & UFC FIGHT PASS General Manager Eric Winter and UFC London headliner Michael Bisping have some fun with UFC FIGHT PASS members via Skype.

ROCKY KITTENS?! | Slime Rancher

Watch as SSundee becomes a slime rancher?! Why would anyone trust him to be a slime rancher?! And how long will the slimes survive under his “care”?! Lol, Thanks for watching! I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

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Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
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