Chelsea Does… Drugs [HD] | Netflix

Chelsea Handler is going there. In this new four-part documentary series, Handler is asking the questions that we all have, but are too afraid to ask. Delving into topics that fascinate her: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs– she goes after answers, all with her wry and unique sense of humor. Chelsea Does… premieres January 23, only on Netflix.... Read More

MUNCHIES Guide to Bavaria: Fishing, Foraging, and Fairies

Our host Ailine hangs out with a herbalist and smoothie expert and wanders through the forest around the Ammersee. There, we collect wild herbs and berries to make fantastic smoothies with. On the nearby lakeside, she goes fishing with an old sea dog, who shows her how to catch a carp—and where to have it prepared, Bavarian-style.... Read More