#صاحي : “طقطقة” – بالدم ولا بالأدب – حلقة استثنائية

قناة صاحي تقدم حلقة استثنائية من برنامج “طقطقة” – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباراة الاتحاد والاهلي – في كأس ولي العهد السعودي

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طاقم عمل برنامج “طقطقة” في تويتر:

المقدم – بندر حلواني : https://twitter.com/BKH_9
المخرج – أصيل باحكيم : https://twitter.com/A9FB

UFC 195 Embedded: Vlog Series – Episode 5

On Episode 5 of UFC 195 Embedded, welterweight champion Robbie Lawler takes a golf break, then goes back to the gym for a session with longtime friend, UFC Hall of Famer Matt Hughes. Lightweight Dustin Poirier does radio interviews to hype his fight against Joe Duffy, who relaxes by playing cards with his parents. Heavyweight Stipe Miocic rings in the new year with his team. All the stars of the card, including Lawler, challenger Carlos Condit, Miocic and his opponent Andrei Arlovski face off at media day and the official weigh-in. UFC Embedded is an all-access, behind-the-scenes video blog leading up to the welterweight title fight at UFC 195: Lawler vs. Condit, Saturday, January 2 on Pay-Per-View.

Minecraft – TIME TRAVELLERS! – TRICKY TREASURE! #11 W/Stampy & Ash!

Hello Everybody! Welcome to TIME TRAVELLERS! – TRICKY TREASURE! #11, this is a new series where myself, Stampy & Ash time travel and fill our island with riches!

My Slippery Shop: http://www.slipperycheese.com/

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Pitch the Matrix Sequel – New Year’s Eve 1999!! – MOVIE FIGHTS!

You could watch this LIVE and EARLY! Sign up for ScreenJunkies Plus! ►► http://www.screenjunkies.com/plus

Andy Signore (ScreenJunkies), Specer Gilbert (ScreenJunkies), and Dan Murrell (ScreenJunkies) debate the following topics with judge Alicia Malone (ScreenJunkies) for the week of 12/28:

Fact Checker : Ken Napzok

Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼

0:04:13 Pitch the ideal sequel to “The Matrix”
0:13:30 Who was the breakout star of 1999?
0:20:38 After “Wild Wild West,” how do we get Will Smith’s career back on track?
0:27:22 Fantasy cast the inevitable live action “Beavis and Butthead” adaptation.
0:34:43 Who should direct “Star Wars: Episode II”?
0:43:17 Pitch a movie about the impending Y2K disaster.
0:52: 27 SPEED ROUND

Download the audio version on iTunes! at our RSS Feed ►► http://apple.co/1Mw3boz

Send us posters and toys for the MOVIE FIGHTS set! ▼▼ ScreenJunkies c/o Andy Signore
5757 Wilshire Blvd #300
Los Angeles, CA 90036

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Support our Panel:

Andy Signore – https://twitter.com/AndySignore
Dan Murrell – https://twitter.com/MurrellDan
Alicia Malone – https://twitter.com/AliciaMalone
Ken Napzok – https://twitter.com/KenNapzok
Spencer Gilbert – https://twitter.com/SpencerJGilbert

Andy Signore, Dan Murrell, & Ken Napzok

Pitch the Matrix Sequel – New Year’s Eve 1999!! – MOVIE FIGHTS!

You could watch this LIVE and EARLY! Sign up for ScreenJunkies Plus! ►► http://www.screenjunkies.com/plus

Andy Signore (ScreenJunkies), Specer Gilbert (ScreenJunkies), and Dan Murrell (ScreenJunkies) debate the following topics with judge Alicia Malone (ScreenJunkies) for the week of 12/28:

Fact Checker : Ken Napzok

Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼

0:04:13 Pitch the ideal sequel to “The Matrix”
0:13:30 Who was the breakout star of 1999?
0:20:38 After “Wild Wild West,” how do we get Will Smith’s career back on track?
0:27:22 Fantasy cast the inevitable live action “Beavis and Butthead” adaptation.
0:34:43 Who should direct “Star Wars: Episode II”?
0:43:17 Pitch a movie about the impending Y2K disaster.
0:52: 27 SPEED ROUND

Download the audio version on iTunes! at our RSS Feed ►► http://apple.co/1Mw3boz

Send us posters and toys for the MOVIE FIGHTS set! ▼▼ ScreenJunkies c/o Andy Signore
5757 Wilshire Blvd #300
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Become a Screen Junkie! ► http://bit.ly/sjsubscr
Got a tip? Email us ► tips@screenjunkies.com
Follow us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/screenjunkies
Like us on Facebook ► http://www.fb.com/screenjunkies

Support our Panel:

Andy Signore – https://twitter.com/AndySignore
Dan Murrell – https://twitter.com/MurrellDan
Alicia Malone – https://twitter.com/AliciaMalone
Ken Napzok – https://twitter.com/KenNapzok
Spencer Gilbert – https://twitter.com/SpencerJGilbert

Andy Signore, Dan Murrell, & Ken Napzok

Back Home – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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The Hokey Pokey Shake + More | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs

It doesn’t get any more fun than the Hokey Pokey! Enjoy our simple version of the classic kids song along with many more of the best kids songs and nursery rhymes from Super Simple Songs.

The Hokey Pokey Shake – 0:00:07
The Pinocchio – 0:02:45
Make A Circle – 0:05:54
We All Fall Down – 0:06:56
Head Shoulders Knees And Toes (Speeding Up) – 0:08:53
Clean Up! – 0:10:41
I See Something Blue – 0:12:15
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? – 0:15:05
What Do You Hear? – 0:17:30
The Bath Song – 0:20:33
Put On Your Shoes – 0:22:35
Hello! – 0:25:30
The Shape Song #2 – 0:26:46
Skidamarink (Animated Version) – 0:30:51
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 – 0:33:07
Let’s Go To The Zoo – 0:34:52
Yes, I Can! – 0:38:32
Uh-huh – 0:41:53
Rain Rain Go Away – 0:43:25
The Wheels On The Bus – 0:45:40
Row Row Row Your Boat – 0:48:07

Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

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