UFC Now Ep. 247: Russia’s Rise in UFC

On this episode of UFC NOW, we’ll talk about the ascension of Russian fighters and why they translate so well to the UFC. We’ll also debate the protocol of what to do next when teammates agree to fight each other and how it affects their relationship. And we are back with another edition of Roundhouse, as The Count and Kenflo will play a game of Who Said It? And you’re not going to want to miss our top 5 for the week, as Michael and Kenny will share their Top 5 Holiday Foods.

Top 5 Scariest Star Wars Monsters

Top 5 Scariest Star Wars Monsters! Star Wars Episode 7 premieres today, so in celebration we have 5 scary monsters in Star Wars! Have a favorite monster from Star Wars we didn’t mention? Let us know your favorite from the Star Wars universe down below!

Edited and Voiced by TGN Partner, Moxness: https://twitter.com/JonathanMoxness

Written by: Jordan Atkins

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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)


It’s Back! Supernova Refsdal Reappears in Frontier Field

Supernova Refsdal was found in the  galaxy cluster MACS J1149.5+2223, part of Hubble’s Frontier Fields program. Seen in November of 2014, the research team modeled the cluster’s immense gravity warping the more distant supernova’s light as the light travels toward Earth.  Astronomers spotted four separate images of the supernova in a rare arrangement known as an Einstein Cross. This pattern was seen around a galaxy within the MACS J1149.5+2223 cluster. The team then predicted that the supernova would reappear in a different place in the MACS J1149 field. And it did! Hear about the new discovery, how the prediction was made and what’s next.

PS4: 5 Ways To Upgrade Your Experience

These cool PS4 accessories and add-ons will completely upgrade your gaming experience on the console. You’re welcome.
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