Minecraft: DIVERSITY 2 | BLAZE IT!! [6]

Watch as SSundee continues down the research facility rabbit hole to try to find the end!! Will he be able to reach his goal?! Or will he die a horrible death of doom?! Lol, Thanks for watching, I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

Map Name: Diversity 2
Build Team: abrightmoore, ColdFusionGaming, goldenturkey97, Jesper the End, qmagnet, qwertyuiopthepie
Map Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/topic/2200445

Enjoy the Video? Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/Thanks4Subbing

-=Follow the Links=-
Instagram – http://instagram.com/ssundeeyt

Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe
Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/Levelup-i


The latest cool things happening in video games including Star Wars in Fallout 4, gaming Christmas stuff, cosplay, and more!

★Follow Jake on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakebaldino
★Jake’s Star Wars video: https://youtu.be/m-AC1Irtm6A

★Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/user/gameranxTV



Uncharted 4 delayed: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/12/23/uncharted-4-a-thiefs-end-arrives-on-april-26-2016/

Borderlands Christmas cosplay: https://www.facebook.com/goldvestercosplay/

Fallout 4 lightsaber mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4591/?

Dreamcast 2 fake: http://kotaku.com/no-sega-isnt-launching-a-dreamcast-2-1749342080

Cool Mario Christmas tree (via DrowZeeMe on reddit): https://i.imgur.com/8Rr0k4y.jpg

Jake’s channel and Star Wars review: https://youtu.be/m-AC1Irtm6A

PSA: Something has gone horribly wrong with Steam (servers now back up)

As of 6:20pm the Steam login servers seem to be back up, though slow. It is recommended that you only login directly through the client, using a website to do it puts you at risk of making a mistake and accessing a fake page, getting your details phished. Also if you think this is clickbait you are mentally deficient and don’t know what that word means.

This is all we know about the Steam problems as of 5:45pm eastern on the 25th of December. It’s noting that the response from a Volunteer Steam Community Moderator should not be considered an official statement from Valve.

1v1 DUELS! Stampy’s GIANT Love Garden! W/AshDubh

Hello Everybody! Today myself & Ash battle in Stampy’s Love Garden! On Choo Choo’s Server!

Squiddy T-Shirts UK – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.co.uk/

Squiddy T-Shirts US – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.com

Subscribe – http://www.youtube.com/iballisticsquid

Twitter – https://twitter.com/iBallisticSquid

Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/pages/IBallisticSquid/164520893684505

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Top 5 Weirdest Game Consoles!

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From the Apple game console to the first VR headset here are the most “interesting” consoles ever!
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