Rise of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 2 | Rise of the Tomb Raider Ending (Xbox One)

Rise of the Tomb Raider has been phenomenal so far. And we’re almost at the end. Join Globku for the game’s final stretch, as well as some exploration, optional challenge tombs, crypts and interesting collectible. Why not go for the 100%, right? The game sure is worth it.

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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)


Cosmic Dig in the Center of Our Milky Way Galaxy

About 13 billion years ago, long before our sun formed, the construction of our Milky Way galaxy was just beginning. Young, mostly sun-like stars in the core, or central bulge, provided the building blocks for the galaxy’s foundation. Many of these building-block stars have long since burned out, and are now just dying embers. But contained within these dead stars, called white dwarfs, is the early history of our galaxy, providing clues on how it came to be.
#MilkyWay   #galaxies   #cosmology