كل شئ عن هواوي نيكسوس 6 بي Huawei Nexus 6P

في هذا الفيديو نقوم بإعطائكم مراجعة لهاتف Huawei Nexus 6P أحد أهم الجوالات لهذا العام مع إعطاء مميزات و سلبيات الهاتف.

رابط النسخة الصوتية من المراجعة.

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The WAN Show – Yahoo! Blocks Adblock Users, Oculus Makes Women Sick – Nov 27, 2015



iFixIt link: http://ifixit.com/Linus – Offer code WANSHOW

Phantom Glass: http://phantom.glass/promo – offer code WANPG to save 20% off your order (valid for 60 days)

Freshbooks: Head over to http://freshbooks.com/wan and don’t forget to enter WAN in the “How Did You Hear About Us” section when signing up for your free trial.

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/the-wan-show-yahoo-blocks-adblock-users-oculus-makes-women-sick-nov-27-2015

Timestamps courtesy of Sam Tilling (IPickle), Ghost, JJMC89 & Brandon Axtmann

00:09:38 Nvidia cutting prices on entire 900 series for the holidays
00:13:20 AMD cutting prices on R9 series including Fury X, Fury, and Nano
00:17:20 Li-Fi Internet
00:26:35 Twitter Blitz
00:30:39 Amazon backtracks after covering NYC subway car in Nazi symbols
00:40:07 Samsung’s latest PM863 3D TLC SSD owns it
00:49:28 Toddler’s eyeball sliced in half by drone propeller
00:51:03 Meet the new Raspberry Pi Zero
00:52:40 Yahoo stops some users accessing emails while using ad-blockers
00:56:30 More women than men get motion sickness with the Oculus Rift
01:02:30 Sony is working on a PS4 Remote Play app for PC and Mac
01:05:02 EA is planning more Battlefront games
01:05:15 Sponsor: PhantomGlass
01:07:40 Sponsor: Freshbooks
01:08:48 Sponsor: IFixit

ANOMALISA – “Crafting Anomalisa” Featurette (2015) – Paramount Pictures

From writer Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and Duke Johnson (Moral Orel, Frankenhole) comes Anomalisa.

Michael Stone, husband, father and respected author of “How May I Help You Help Them?” is a man crippled by the mundanity of his life. On a business trip to Cincinnati, where he’s scheduled to speak at a convention of customer service professionals, he checks into the Fregoli Hotel. There, he is amazed to discover a possible escape from his desperation in the form of an unassuming Akron baked goods sales rep, Lisa, who may or may not be the love of his life. A beautifully tender and absurdly humorous dreamscape, from the brilliant minds of Charlie Kaufman (SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK) and Duke Johnson (“Community” episode, Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas), this stop-motion animation wonder features the vocal cast of Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tom Noonan and David Thewlis and a stirring strings-based score by Carter Burwell. The darkly comedic and surreal stop-motion journey of a man’s long night of the soul, ANOMALISA confirms Charlie Kaufman’s place amongst the most important of American filmmakers, and announces Duke Johnson as a major creative force.

In select theatres December 30th. Everywhere January

Directors: Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson

Starring: Jennifer Jason Leigh, David Thewlis, Tom Noonan

Official Movie Site: http://anomalisa.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anomalisa/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/anomalisamovie

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), a leading content company with prominent and respected film, television and digital entertainment brands. Paramount controls a collection of some of the most powerful brands in filmed entertainment, including Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, Paramount Television, Paramount Vantage, Paramount Classics, Insurge Pictures, MTV Films, and Nickelodeon Movies. PPC operations also include Paramount Home Media Distribution, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., and Paramount StudioGroup.

Connect with Paramount Pictures Online:

Official Site: http://www.paramount.com/
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Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ParamountPics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paramountpics
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Paramount

Would You Rather | Whip, Nae Nae | Waxing Challenge

Watch as SSundee gets back on the would you rather website to see if he can do the whip and nae nae?! How does that even make sense?! Lol, Thanks for watching! I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

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