#احكم عليك | المزز خلوني اطرش !

قناة محمد الي جمبي : https://goo.gl/9T1Q91

فكرة المقطع دا انو نلعب لعبة و قبل لا نلعب كل لاعب يكتب حكم و تتجمع الاحكام و تنحط في كاسة و المهزوم يسحب من الكاسة بشكل عشوائي و يسوي الحكم الي يطلعله XD

اذا عجبتك السلسة و تبغاني انزل منها اكتر حط لايك على المقطع و خلونا نشوف كم لايك نقدر نوصل #قلب

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

للاعلان اتواصل معايا عبر الايميل دا : m7mdxd.channel@gmail.com

تابعني فالتويتر : https://twitter.com/TheOnlyM7MD_XD

تابعني فالانستقرام : http://instagram.com/mohammed_tarazi

تابعني فالسناب شات : mohammed.xd

i don’t have the credits for the songs/music in this video

100 MORE Most Iconic Movie Quotes of All Time

We’ve already given you our 100 most iconic movie lines of all time, but you wanted more! So based on your suggestions and our own ideas, here are 100 more of the greatest movie quotes ever! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Whether it’s a killer one-liner, a bit of cinematic poetry, or an unexpected delivery of an ordinary phrase, these lines became synonymous with their movies’ cultural impact. Whether you quote them to your friends or wear them on T-shirts, we thought these were the hundred most iconic lines of all time.

How many movies can you recognize from just the one line? Test your knowledge in the comments below then watch for the answers here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQTEgMGEFf0

Watch the original 100 Most Iconic Movie Lines of All Time here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUjxsuGwTA8

What did you think of the list? Do you agree with our selections, or do you think some of our picks are overrated? Do you think we snubbed some great movies lines? Can you come up with another 100 great lines of your own? (We bet you can!)

Let us know in the comments below!

CineFix is bringing you some seriously inspired MOVIE LISTS. Tune in on Mondays for our take on some of the best, most impressive, and most downright iconic moments in movie history.

Want to see us pay tribute to your favorite aspect of filmmaking? Suggest movie list topics in the comments!

Want to send us stuff?

c/o Mike Cruz
PO BOX 351213
Los Angeles, CA 90035

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9 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Superbad!


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Movie Wars – Prepare for ROUND 5!

Se7en’s “Box Scene” – Art of the Scene

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7 MORE Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Fight Club!

UFC 192 Embedded: Vlog Series – Episode 1

On Episode 1 of UFC 192 Embedded, it’s a sporting life for the two welterweight contenders in the co-main event as Tyron Woodley takes to the Cardinals’ mound in St. Louis while Johny Hendricks plays soccer with his kids in Texas. UFC light heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier forgoes bargain burgers for workouts in San Jose, while his opponent Alexander Gustafsson works the media in New York City. UFC Embedded is an all-access, behind-the-scenes video blog leading up to the light heavyweight title fight in Houston at UFC 192: Cormier vs. Gustafsson, Saturday, October 3 on Pay-Per-View.

Top 10: RPG Games Of All Time

RPG games offer up so much, so today we’re counting down 10 of the best RPG games! Which RPG games are your favorite? RPG fans all have their favorites so we want to know which ones are yours! Let us know in the comment section down below!

Voiced by TGN Partner David Brown: https://www.youtube.com/DavidBrownTV2

Written By: Jordan Atkins

Partner With TGN: http://tgn.tv/youtube-partner


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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)


Minecraft SkyFactory 2 – PINK COBBLE STONE!! [24]

Watch as SSundee and Crainer looks at the achievement list and realize they have different agendas for today!! Who do you think has the better creation?! #PinkCobble!! Lol, Thanks for watching and I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

MrCrainer’s Channel

Bacon’s Channel

Want to play SkyFactory!?

Enjoy the Video? Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/Thanks4Subbing

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Music Used
Insan3lik3 – Bad Pitched (Original Mix)
Artist Name: Insan3lik3
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-4Ny4URgf4
Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/MC005-iTunes
Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/MonstercatMedia

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