هل تعرف من الشاب الذى بالصورة مع الشيخ محمد بن راشد أل مكتوم حاكم دبى ؟

استيقظت دولة الإمارات، صباح اليوم السبت، على خبر مفجع وهو رحيل الشيخ راشد بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم إثر نوبة قلبية عن عمر يناهز 34 عاما، وتحولت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى إلى دفتر عزاء ينعى الفقيد راشد بن محمد نجل حاكم دبى.
المشاهير والفانيين ينعون الشيخ راشد فنعى المنشد الدينى، مشارى راشد العفاسى، على صفحته الرسمية على موقع التواصل الاجتماعى تويتر الفقيد، قائلاً: “اللهم اغفر لعبدك راشد بن محمد بن راشد وارفع درجته فى المهديين واخلفه فى عقبه واغفر لنا وله يا رب العالمين وأفسح فى قبره ونوّر له فيه”. ونعت بكل حزن وآسى الفنانة هيفاء وهبى، الفقيد عبر حسابها الرسمى على تويتر، قائلة “أتقدم بخالص العزاء إلى أسرة “آل مكتوم” الكريمة بوفاة سمو الشيخ راشد بن محمد بن راشد إنَّا لله وَإنَّا إليه راجعون”.
أما الإعلامى عمرو أديب، فنعى الفقيد قائلا “كل التعازى فى وفاة راشد نجل الشيخ محمد كان شابا مهذبا نشيطا قريبا من ربه وناسه إنّا لله وإنا إليه راجعون والصبر لأهله وأحبابه”.
وغرد الفنان صابر الرباعى على صفحته الرسمية على موقع التدوينات القصيرة تويتر، قائلا “الشيخ راشد بن محمد فى ذمه الله تعازى إلى أهلنا فى الإمارات وإلى سمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم إنّا لله وانّا إليه راجعون”. وكتب الفنان راغب علامة، نعياً الفقيد: “التعازى الحارة إلى سمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم والشعب الإماراتى الحبيب بوفاة المغفور له الشيخ راشد آل مكتوم إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون”. ونعت الفنانة يارا، حاكم دبى فى وفاة نجله، قائلة “تعازينا الحارّة لأهل الإمارات والله يصبّركم خبر محزن جدا”.
أما الفنانة سيرين عبد النور، فغردت على صفحتها الرسمية على موقع التواصل الاجتماعى تويتر، قائلة: “خالص العزاء إلى أسرة آل مكتوم الكريمة بوفاة سمو الشيخ راشد بن محمد بن راشد ولى عهد دبى الله يرحمه وتكون نفسه بالسماء”.

ونعى الإعلامى على جابر على حسابه الرسمى على موقع التدوينات القصيرة الشيخ راشد، قائلا “الله يرحمه ويغفر له ويسكنه فسيح جناته العزاء لكل الإماراتيين فى هذا المصاب الجلل”. نشطاء يدشنون هاشتاج باسم الراحل الشيخ راشد بن محمد فيما دشن رواد موقع التواصل الاجتماعى تويتر، عددا من الهاشتاجات لنعى الراحل أبرزها ” راشد بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم”، ” دبى”، ” الإمارات”، “وفاة الشيخ راشد”.

وانهالت التعازى والإدعية عبر الهاشتاج على روح الفقيد الشيخ راشد، فغرد أحد النشطاء، قائلا “شهر حزين جدا للإمارات فبعد استشهاد جنودنا فى اليمن ها نحن اليوم نفجع بخبر رحيل راشد بن محمد بن راشد.. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون”.
وكتب الناشط محمود أحمد: “دبى اليُوم حزينة لحزنكّ كلّنا عيالك يا بو راشد، إنه شهر حزين وثقيل جدا علينا فقدنا الكثير من أبنائنا اللهم ارزقهم الفردوس وألهمنا الصبر والسلوان”.

الشيخ راشد بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نجل حاكم دبى فى صور نادرة
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

موها يحقق امنيات اخوانه ❤!!!!!!!!!!!

يمدي نوصل 20 الف لايك يا بوقت قصير يا اسطوريين ؟
♦ قناة الفلوقات كل يوم مقطع الساعة 5:30 فلوق جديد / https://goo.gl/ru6k4T

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How To Make An N64 Rocket Launch Controller

Here’s how to hack an N64 game controller, into a remote rocket launch controller … That’ll launch freakin’ rockets in real life, and ignite fireworks up to 30 feet away.

Next Video: How To Make Star Wars Gummies!: http://bit.ly/StarWarsCandies
Previous Video: Exploding Ninja Stars: http://bit.ly/ExplodingNinjaStars

Make Rocket Igniters: http://bit.ly/RocketIgniters

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For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Endcard Links:

Electric Igniters: http://bit.ly/RocketIgniters
Escaping Handcuffs: http://bit.ly/EscapingHandcuffs
Fire Piston: http://bit.ly/SlamRodFireStarter
Rocket Buzz: http://bit.ly/RocketBuzz

Music By:
Scott & Brendo (“Photographs” – Instrumental)

Project Inspired By:

This was an original idea. (Original to me anyway).

This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume responsibility for the results of your actions. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

This project was inspired by the old Estes Launch Controllers for small model rockets.

Surprisingly, they are $25 to buy online (http://www.estesrockets.com/302220-electron-beamr-launch-controller), which I thought was a ridiculous price. And that was confirmed when I ordered one, and took it apart to look inside.

Looking inside, I saw that basically all it was, was a simple circuit using 4 AA batteries, with a switch to close the connection and send electricity to two alligator clips at the end. There were a couple of other components, but they aren’t really worth mentioning.

For $25 I thought I could do a lot better than that, and perhaps make a controller that looked a lot cooler, and nerdy?, than a square yellow box.

I went online and found a yellow N64 game controller for $10 (free shipping).

I originally had a grey controller that I used to play Mario 64 with my kids, from time to time, but I used that one for my prototype and proof of concept months ago (https://instagram.com/p/0vMHGhmvxy/?taken-by=grantsprojects)

I thought the yellow controller would be a nice touch, because of how it matched the rocket and launch-pad color scheme.

I knew that basically all I needed to do was rig the controller with an internal power source, and find a way to re-route the circuits to deliver 2+ amps of electricity when a button was pushed.

Originally I tried soldering and re-routing the existing circuitry, but the internal resistances of the contact pads severely limited the available output current.

I made a trip to Radio Shack to play around with buttons, LED’s, and buzzers, and eventually found some that worked for around $5-8 total.

The slot for the controller pack was almost the perfect size for two 9 volt batteries, which is what I was using to ignite the electric matches from a previous project (http://bit.ly/RocketIgniters), however the slot was extremely tight and impractical for the 9 volts, but I couldn’t find a way for 4 AA to fit.

I had to modify the slot with a file to shave down the walls enough to hold the batteries firmly in place, but not so tight that they couldn’t be removed.

And I ended up using all new buttons for the circuit.

I left the other buttons in the controller for show, and left the circuit board inside even though it doesn’t serve any electrical purpose anymore. It just helps hold everything together, and keeps the buttons firm.

I made the lead wires 30 feet long, which reduces the amount of available DC current at the igniter end.

I have measured 2.5 amps at the igniter end, while the controller shows you can get closer to 7 amps of current without the wires connected. I imagine different lengths of wire will produce results between 2.5-7 amps. However, all you need to light an igniter is 2 amps, so it works!

I use this rocket controller for launching the “Randomizer” Rockets I made as part of a design collaboration with my friends at www.sonicdad.com, and personally, I think it’s one of the coolest rocket launch controllers that’s ever been made.

But that’s just my opinion. 🙂

15 Minutes of Game – Raiden IV: Overkill

TotalBiscuit gives you his first impressions on the newest arcade shooter from Moss Co., Ltd.
Review code was supplied by the developers free of charge.
Get it here: http://bit.ly/1FTz1ZC

15 Minutes of Game is a format in which TB plays a game from the beginning for 15 minutes and judges it based on its ability to hook the player.

Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.com/totalbiscuit
Follow CynicalBrit on Twitter for video updates: http://twitter.com/cynicalbrit
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How to Make Vegan Pancakes | Vegan Recipes | Allrecipes.com

Get the recipe for Vegan Pancakes at http://m.allrecipes.com/recipe/191885/vegan-pancakes/

Check out how to make vegan pancakes using ingredients you most likely have on hand. Nothing fancy here, just 6 ingredients, a quick mix and you’re ready to drop this batter onto a hot griddle. Enjoy!

Subscribe to allrecipes @ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=allrecipes

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The WAN Show – Doom & Gloom for AMD & an 8K TV! – September 18, 2015



Squarespace: http://squarespace.com/linus, offer code LINUS to save 10%.

TunnelBear: http://tunnelbear.com/LTT – Browse privately and get your first 500MB for free!

iFixIt link: http://ifixit.com/Linus – Offer code WANSHOW

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/the-wan-show-doom-gloom-for-amd-an-8k-tv-september-18-2015

Samsung S6 Edge+ phone giveaway link: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/452296-samsung-galaxy-s6-edge-giveaway/

TImestamps courtesy of Sam Tilling, cloclo8003, hihi217 and Ghost

00:05:10 – Surface Pro 4 and new Windows 10 mobile phones may be revealed on October 6
00:09:23 – First 8K TV to be put on sale by Sharp in October
00:16:30 – Nvidia Gamestream Co-Op has entered beta
00:31:57 – 14 year-old Ahmed Mohamed got arrested for building a clock
00:36:40 – Qualcomm introduces Quick Charge 3.0
00:44:10 – Computers don’t improve results in school
00:52:40 – Intel launches automotive security review board to ensure cybersecurity of cars
00:54:45 – Sponsor: Squarespace
00:56:20 – Sponsor: Tunnelbear
00:58:18 – Sponsor: iFixit
01:00:50 – Robot ethicist calls for sex robot ban
01:04:40 – Sony Z5 Premium only renders media in 4k, everything else in 1080p for a “2-day” battery
01:08:52 – AMD’s Jim Keller has left, is AMD really doomed?
01:13:15 – Epson “empty” ink cartriges are actually still 20% full
01:17:20 – Blackberry “Venice” Android phone pictures leaked
01:19:35 – Google accidentally launches climate change feature