Viewing Movies With Nostalgia-Colored Glasses – CineFix Now Roundtable

We all know that some of the movies we loved as a kid weren’t really quite as good as we remember them being. The CineFix team gathers to share the movies they think don’t hold up. And THINGS GET REAL. Subscribe:

Contenders for disappointingly bad movies include Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Wizard, pretty much every third Saturday Morning cartoon. And… Star Wars?!?!

What’s the movie that you’ve found just doesn’t hold up? What movies’ special effects fell firmly into the Uncanny Valley? Jump into the comments and let us know. Also, let us know how f*&king wrong we are about Star Wars.

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نجوم حسنت عمليات التجميل من جمال ابتساماتهم برأيكم من تغير شكله بالكامل ؟

تعد ابتسامة العديد من نجوم عاصمة السينما الأمريكية هوليوود، مثار إعجاب الكثيرين حول العالم، حتى أن الحصول على «ابتسامة هوليوود» مبتغى الكثير من العامة والفنانين خارج العاصمة الأمريكية، وأصبح هناك العديد من مراكز تجميل الأسنان التي تعنى بهذا الشأن، ولكن ما لا يعرفه الكثيرون أن ابتسامة نجوم هوليوود أنفسهم إنما سببها عمليات تجميل خضعوا لها.
وفيما يلي 14 صورة لفنانين وفنانات كانت عمليات التجميل هي السبب في الحصول على ابتسامتهم الحالية

نجوم حسنت عمليات التجميل من جمال ابتساماتهم برأيكم من تغير شكله بالكامل ؟
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

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Sweet Dreams + More | Nursery Rhymes & Lullabies | Super Simple Songs

Join Mama Bear, Baby Bear, and all of their forest friends in this sweet and soothing nursery rhyme video collection. Enjoy a few gentle lullabies followed by a compilation of our top kids songs and nursery rhymes.

Song List:
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) – 0:00:07
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – 0:03:00
Little Snowflake – 0:05:29
My Teddy Bear – 0:07:44
The Bath Song – 0:09:46
Skidamarink (Animated Version) – 0:11:48
Jingle Jingle Little Bell – 0:14:04
One Little Finger – 0:16:16
Row Row Row Your Boat – 0:18:29
One Potato, Two Potatoes – 0:20:23
The Eensey Weensey Spider – 0:21:44
I See Something Blue – 0:23:47
Five Little Monkeys – 0:26:37
Go Away! – 0:28:41
What Do You Hear? – 0:30:16
Rain Rain Go Away – 0:33:19
Yes, I Can! – 0:35:34
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 – 0:38:55
Count And Move – 0:40:40
Old McDonald – 0:41:50
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? – 0:45:19
The Wheels On The Bus – 0:47:44

Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

#اسئلتكم ٦ | هل انت ليبرالي ؟!

قصة: عندهم مبادئ بلا شرع
حسابي في الانستقرام
حسابي في تويتر:


تابع فيديوهات سابقة

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كشف حقيقة #تحرش_بفتاتين_بجدة

دبي فلوق ٢ | التعليقات الجارحة و ثلوج دبي

اول بنت حبيتها !

دبي فلوق ١ | فهد سال يلعب كورة !

اسرائيل في سناب | #مكة_لايف

جوازات جدة | #احترام_المقيم

رفاهية الاختيار | #الزواج_التقليدي_فاشل

سني و شيعي | #كلنا_واحد

اسوء مقاطعي و ردة فعلي | #٤٠٠الف

#اسئلتكم ٥ | كم نسبتك في الثانوية ؟

رمضان اليوم و لا زمان ؟

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#اسئلتكم ٣ | البنت السعودية تحب الولد الاسمر

#اسئلتكم ٢ | يقربلك اسامة المولد ؟

#اسئلتكم ١ | هل انت مسيحي ؟


اشترك في القناة و لاتنسوا احلى اللايكات على الفيديوهات اذا عجبتكم و شكرا على المتابعة

How To Make Balloons, That Explode

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Electricity and water are used to blow up party balloons. But beware, these ones explode!

I’m not suggesting this is something you should try, but if you do it anyway, make sure you use EXTREME caution, and be prepared for the police to show up 🙂

Special thanks to Pro Opinion for choosing to sponsor this video!

Next Video: 7 Ways To Make Popsicle Stick Throwing Stars:
Previous Video: How To Make A “Car Hero” Key Box:

Water To Fuel Converter – (Explosive Gas by Electrolysis):

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Endcard Links:

Melting Soda Cans:
Glycerin Soap:
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Music By:

Scott & Brendo “Somewhere”
Check out their music on iTunes:
See their YouTube page:

Project Inspired By:

Experiments with one of my previous projects: ( I was blown away when I tried filling up a balloon, and it floated up to the ceiling!


This video is only for entertainment purposes. It should probably not be attempted, and if you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results, including injuries or even death that you may inflict on yourself, or others. HHO gas is very explosive, and can be set off with static electricity, meaning you could set it off just by touching it. Use extreme caution. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

About 2 years ago I tried filling up balloons with HHO gas from the water-splitting generator I made in a previous project. I was amazed to confirm that when I tied it off, it floated up to the ceiling just a helium balloon. This sparked an idea, and you know exactly what it was!

I thought it would be fun to tape a fuse to the bottom of the balloon, light it, and run away.

Of course the bigger I filled the balloons, the more energetic the concussion wave, and the louder the sound.

You can tell by the sound of the reports, that these balloons pack a powerful explosion. The noise could be heard reverberating around the neighborhood, and sounded like large cannons going off.

We did this experiment on the 4th of July, because while most of our neighbors are awesome and supportive of these experiments, there is one who always calls the police.

I figured there was no way they could be justified in complaining about explosions on the 4th of July.

Now to emphasize safety here, I can’t suggest this is something you should try, but if you do it anyway, make sure you use EXTREME caution, and be prepared for the police to show up.

I have seen pictures of accidents where balloons filled with oxy-acetylene gas accidentally went off with static electricity and blew a mans truck apart, sending him and his nephew to the hospital. While I haven’t experienced that effect myself, I am encouraged to use as much caution possible, to avoid a trip to the hospital.

HATE VIDEO (RASASI)** Disclaimer – Some Strong Language **

I just couldn’t help it guys … too much isn’t it, common rasasi gear up or ……..

The name of the seller is Angel Fragrance and I do not blame them completely but in my experience a manufactured product is tested before final packaging and the insides of the box are quite solid to handle wear and tear. The fragrances vials are from Sugandha Vatika I am not sure if these free vials are from angel fragrance.

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► WTF Is… – Galacide ?

TotalBiscuit gives his first impressions on the recently released side-scrolling shoot’em up from Puny Human Studios.

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How to Make Tropical Grilled Pork Chops | Pork Recipes |

Get the recipe for Tropical Grilled Pork Chops at:

In this video, you’ll see how to make a tropical, sweet and spicy salsa for pork chops. We’ll use it in the marinade and also as a topping! Perfect for grilling season.

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