صلات قرابة بين الفنانين والفنانات لاتتوقعها…برأيك من الأكثر شبها ؟

كثيرا من الفنانين الشباب قد حالفهم الحظ.. وكانوا من ذات الصلة لكثير من النجوم الاشهر في دنيا الفن.. فقد كانت هذه الصلة إما أن يكون النجم قريبا منه (خال أو عم ..أو جد ) مما جعل من هؤلاء النجوم الشابة ترث منهم الموهبة وحب التمثيل.
غادة عادل وخالتها النجمة المعتزلة شمس البارودي
من مواليد 25 من ديسمبر عام 1974 ولدت بليبيا توفت والدتها شقيقة الفنانة شمس البارودي وغادة مازالت في الثانية من عمرها.. عاشت وتربت مع زوجة أبيها حصلت علي بكالوريوس إدارة من جامعة فارس بليبيا ثم انتقلت إلى القاهرة.
وفي عام 1997 اشتركت مع الفنان هاني شاكر في كليب (تخسريني ) لتكون هذه الخطوة هي بدايتها الفنية فقد انهالت عليها العروض وكانت المحطة الرئيسية في مشوارها والذي بداته بفيلم (صعيدي في الجامعة الامريكية ) عام 1998 ثم اشتركت في الجزء الأول من مسلسل زيزنيا.. حققت نجاحا كبيرا ونالت كثير من القبول لدي الجمهور لتشترك

مع كبار النجوم في أفلام اعتبرت من علامات السينما المصرية منها ..الباشا تلميذ .. ابن القنصل .. حمادة يلعب .. عيال حبيبة .. عبود علي الحدود فقد كانت صلة القرابة بينها وبين خالتها عاملا مساعدا لاتقان عملها فقد ورثت التالق والتصميم علي النجاح

أميرة هاني وعمتها نبيلة عبيد
من مواليد عام 1985 خريجة كلية الإعلام ..لاحظت عمتها موهبتها في التمثيل والتقليد.. أخذتها معها إلى عالم الفن لتشترك سويا في أول ظهور لها في مسلسل العمة نور..

ثم فيلم مفيش غير كدة وعندما تأكدت عبيد من موهبتها الحقيقية تركتها تشق طريقها بمفردها لتشترك في مسلسل أحلامك أوامر.. وقضية نسب.. نظرية الجوافة.. هانم بنت باشا.. نونة المأذونة.

أمير كرارة وجده الفنان شكوكو
ورث عن جده حب الفن والالتزام ..جرى في عروقه لم يستطع التغلب علي شعوره في التمثيل بدا.. أولا في مجال الإعلانات وكانت هذه الخطوة هي وثيقة التعارف بينه وبين الجمهور، وعندما

قرر اقتحام دنيا الفن بدا كمقدم برامج وهو برنامج اكتشاف المواهب (ستار ميكر ) والتي تعرف منه علي العديد من صناع السينما والدراما المصرية.. اشترك في العديد من الأعمال الناجحة وحقق نجاحا

كبيرا، فهو يملك من مقومات النجومية الكثير
انتشر في مجال الدراما التليفزيونية.. وأصبح من أهم العلامات المميزة بها منها..العمة نور.. عمليات خاصة .. لحظات حرجة .. حنان وحنين حواري بوخاريست.

ريم البارودي وعمتها شمس البارودي
بدأت طريقها الفني من خلال الإعلانات ..فقد كان لعامل الوراثة دورا كبيرا في ثقل موهبتها، فعندما بلغت الخامسة عشرة من عمرها لم تستطع أن تتغلب علي عشقها للمجال الفني، بدأت بالاعلانات

لتلفت النظر إليها من حيث الالتزام والجدية رغم صغر سنها.. اشتركت وهي في السن الصغيرة في المسلسل الأشهر حدائق الشيطان لتقف كتف بكتف أمام أحد عمالقة الفن وهو جمال سليمان وتجسد

دور (صابرين ) تلك الفتاة الوديعة، ثم وقفت أمام الراحل نور الشريف في مسلسل الرحايا.. وأمام عمرو سعد في مسلسل مملكة الجبل.. وفي مسلسلات عابد كرمان ..الشك ..العقرب.

صلات قرابة بين الفنانين والفنانات لاتتوقعها…برأيك من الأكثر شبها ؟
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

The Pinocchio | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs

For more nursery rhymes and kids songs from Super Simple Learning, subscribe to Super Simple Songs here: http://bit.ly/SSSYTsubscribe

Everybody in…it’s time to get up and moving with The Pinocchio!

*** A note about LEFT & RIGHT. We create kids song and nursery rhyme videos for teachers and parents to share primarily with very young learners (Pre-K and younger.) Those young learners, when dancing along with the video will almost always mirror the actions in the video. So you’ll notice that, like an aerobics teacher leading a class, the characters in the video mirror their actions so it’s easy to dance along with.

iTunes: http://bit.ly/ThePinocchio_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs3_Amazon

Music: Traditional
Adapted Lyrics: Copyright 2007, 2014 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2015 Super Simple Learning®

If you like this video, we recommend you check out the Super Simple Songs Playlist featuring dozens of easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn, super fun songs: http://youtu.be/yCjJyiqpAuU?list=PL028565C616627F50

Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets for this song and all of our others in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:

Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!
Turn around!

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, “Hey!”
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let’s do The Pinocchio.
Right arm!
Left arm!
Right leg!
Left leg!
Chin up!
Turn around!
Sit down!

Song: The Pinocchio
CD: Super Simple Songs 3
Music: Super Simple Learning
Vocals: Matt Stamm and Ingrid DuMosch DeHaan

We’re Super Social, too!
Google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
Facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
Twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/simplesongs
Instagram: http://instagram.com/supersimplelearning
Blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog

Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

The Pinocchio by Super Simple Learning

How To Make A Rocket Launching Blast Pad

Convert thrift shop pot lids and PVC sprinkler parts, into an omni-directional, rocket launching blast pad.

Next Video: Simple Chutes: http://bit.ly/SimpleChutes
Previous Video: Sky Balls: http://bit.ly/SkyBalls

Subscribe for new videos every 5 days! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
Join my email list! http://bit.ly/TKOREmailList

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Endcard Links:

Magic Mud: http://bit.ly/MagicMud
Simple Chutes: http://bit.ly/SimpleChutes
N64 Rocket Controller: http://bit.ly/N64RocketController
Matchbox Rockets: http://bit.ly/MatchboxRockets

Music By:

Music by Scott & Brendo “Young” Instrumental
iTunes: http://bit.ly/ScottBrendoiTunes
YouTube: www.youtube.com/scottandbrendo

Project Inspired By:

My good friend Ritchie Kinmont from www.sonicdad.com, and a design collaboration we did together for the Randomizer Rocket project (http://bit.ly/IBRandomizerBlastPad)


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. PVC glue contains strong chemicals that can ruin your work surface within seconds. Use protective gear for your hands and work table to minimize risk. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project

Project History & More Info:

I’m really excited to share my passion for building and launching rockets with completely home-made equipment. In my opinion, it’s the best way to learn about how rocketry really works.

This project was inspired by my good friend “Ritchie”.

We collaborated on a design for the “Randomizer Rocket”, which you should have seen making a cameo in this video, if you were paying attention.

When it was time to go film the launches we knew we had to make a custom launch pad. We needed something that would swivel 360º, and support the launch of the Randomizer.

I didn’t have much time to put into the creative efforts for designing a launch pad, but once again, Ritchie went home that same day and whipped up a design that I really liked, which you can see here: (http://bit.ly/IBRandomizerBlastPad)

His design uses 1/2″ PVC, and originally used a paint can lid for the blast pad, which we quickly discovered didn’t hold up very well to repeated blasts of rocket fuel.

I still really liked the idea of using a pot lid from a thrift store as a blast pad, like I showed in the “Redneck Rocketry” video: (http://bit.ly/RedneckRocketry), so I kept that, and upgraded the launch frame to 3/4″ PVC as well.

I slightly modified the paint job, but all-in -all this idea was heavily founded on Ritchie’s idea, so big shout-out to him for giving approval to make my own version, and my own project video.

You can see the launch-pad angles to any position you could ever hope for, and is sturdy and durable enough to take a beating from multiple launches, with hardly any sign of wear.

I’m really excited to have the Randomizer Blast-Pad join me as an important addition to this series on home-built rocketry.

Depending on whether you already have PVC glue and spray paint, you can probably get away with making the launch pad for around $10.

By the way, I keep the launch-pad behind my workstation, so every now and then you might catch a glimpse of it in the background of random project videos.

Doug the Pug Recreates Justin Bieber Photos

Doug the Pug is such a big Bieleber that he decided to recreate Justin’s most iconic photos.

For more Doug the Pug, check out his YouTube page:

Hyde – Beauty and a Beat (Rock/Pop Cover of Justin Bieber) – sample

Hey. Hey, you. Yes, YOU! If you like what you see, please make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this.

Also, every time you leave a comment, a kitten happily purrs itself to sleep. Let us know what you like, or even love, in the comments below. We want to hear from you!

Mashable is the leading independent news site for all things tech, social media, and internet culture.

My thoughts on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Beta

TotalBiscuit brings you an overview of the multiplayer beta for CoD: Black Ops 3. “My thoughts” is a series of exactly that, an expression of thoughts on a game, usually one yet to be released. It is not a formal review, nor does it claim to be, you will likely find highly subjective opinions within. It does exactly what it says on the tin.

Website: http://bit.ly/1KsUJcG

Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.com/totalbiscuit
Follow CynicalBrit on Twitter for video updates: http://twitter.com/cynicalbrit
Follow our Facebook page for announcements: http://facebook.com/cynicalbrit

The Cat’s 9 Lives Song – Animated Song Biscuits

“Don’t feel sorry for me, I’ve had nine times the life that you could ever dream…”

Animated by: https://www.youtube.com/KawaiiPiranha
In collaboration with: https://www.youtube.com/ChannelFrederator
Featuring: https://www.youtube.com/MyHarto

Watch the live version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h3l-EZHyHY

Check out all of the Song Biscuits here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvgyM4n5o-txRnMXH3pNnjK

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/subrl2 ****

MAIN YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/rhettandlink

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JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity! http://bit.ly/rlkommunity

Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.

Created by: Rhett & Link
Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Producer: Kevin Kolstenik
Animator: Mike “KawaiiPiranha” Panetta
Content Manager: Becca Canote

The WAN Show – YouTube Gaming is here! Also.. Technical Difficulties – August 28, 2015



Join Dollar Shave Club: http://dollarshaveclub.com/linus

TunnelBear: http://tunnelbear.com/LTT – Browse privately and get your first 500MB for free!

#IntelGameOn Details: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/439730-intel-game-on/

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/the-wan-show-youtube-gaming-is-here-also-technical-difficulties-august-28-2015

Timestamps courtesy of JJMC89

00:11:04 – Special guest: Tyler – LMG office designer
00:46:37 – Sponsor – Dollar Shave Club
00:49:13 – Sponsor – Intel
00:50:43 – Youtube Gaming
00:56:12 – Sponsor – TunnelBear
00:57:53 – MIT researchers build file system that doesn’t lose data to a crash
01:01:30 – Google developing a gps system to help you avoid potholes
01:05:17 – Cortana for Android – Public BETA
01:07:44 – Fable Legends Window 10 Exclusive
01:12:12 – 51,000 – 75,000 Popcorn Time users targeted by anti-piracy group
01:13:31 – Tesla drivers set record (450 mi or 724 km) on a single charge
01:15:20 – Toshiba – 128TB SSDs will hit the commercial market in 2018

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS Gameplay | Sci Fi Fridays With YouTube Gaming!

Sci Fi Friday’s presents: Planetary Annihilation: TITANS Gameplay First Impressions. Planetary Annihilation: Titans is a new, standalone expansion for Planetary Annihilation, join our host Captain Shack on our first ever Sci Fi Friday Livestream!

Sci Fi Fridays: Every Friday at 12pm PST and 3pm EST

TGN Partner, Captain Shack:

Partner With TGN: http://tgn.tv/youtube-partner


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TGN Squadron ➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/Games

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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
