Speedpaint (Paint Tool SAI) Pirate Concept Art
✪ Music Track:
Broke For Free –
1.Add And
2.Love Is Not
✪ Programs:
Paint Tool SAI,
Wacom Bamboo pen CTL-470
Camtasia Studio 8 C:
Thank You Very Much for watching!
➤ FOR COMMISSIONS: shidzumiko@gmail.com
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#صاحي: “تِك توك” 314 – #شغل_الصين_العظيم 1
موقع صاحي المرئي يقدم الحلقة الرابعة عشر من الموسم الثالث من برنامج “تِك توك” (كلام تقني) والذي يختص بكافة جوانب تكنولوجيا البرمجة وتقنية المعلومات وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف الذكية، ويقدمه ثامر دعجم.
تم تصوير هذه الحلقة في #الصين بالتحديد مدينة: كوانزو
إيميل البرنامج
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ثامر دعجم: https://twitter.com/Thechnik?lang=ar
عنوان الحلقة : #شغل_الصين_العظيم 1
How to Make Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Blue Cheese | Mushroom Recipes | Allrecipes.com
Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Blue Cheese Get the recipe for Portobello Mushrooms with Blue Cheese at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/grilled-portobello-mushrooms-with-blue-cheese/detail.aspx
Check out this video to see how to turn 2 ingredients into a savory and delicious entree. Whether or not you’ve ever tried a portobello mushroom, you’re going to love this blue cheese topped and grilled version. Perfect as a burger patty, as a side to a juicy steak or sliced up for a gourmet pizza topping.
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Sushi Chef: Miki Izumisawa
Meet Miki Izumisawa, the female sushi chef who is pushing the boundaries of traditional sushi with nature-inspired fusion dishes, and doing it with an all-women staff.
For the last 15 years, Miki Izumisawa has been quietly forging a path for female sushi chefs while creating cuisine that blurs the line between art and food. From her 21-seat restaurant overlooking the ocean in the Southern California community of Laguna Beach, Miki transforms elements of the natural world into sashimi and rolls with names such as Moon & Sun, Lava Flow, and Feather in the Sky. Miki’s style is anything but conventional, but her one rule? No soy sauce.
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Pet Food Taste Test
If it’s good enough for pets, it’s good enough for us. GMM #732!
Send us your Wheel of Mythicality suggestions using #GMMWheel!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/Odu3XMdJbg0
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Good Mythical Morning Mug
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Rhett & Link
Watch the Rhett & Link Channel: http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Listen to Ear Biscuits!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ear-biscuits/id717407884
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show “Good Mythical Morning” at youtube.com/GoodMythicalMorning. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best! – Rhett & Link
Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Show Graphics Package/Lighting: Ben Eck
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Outro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
► WTF Is… – King’s Quest : A Knight to Remember ?
TotalBiscuit gives his first impressions on the recently released episodic adventure game from The Odd Gentlemen.
Review key was supplied by the developers free of charge.
Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1gWFWeY
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The Big Move – Day 4, Part 1
Will we get the new office built in time?
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Pricing & discussion: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/427113-the-big-move-day-4-part-1/
Watch Nick Van Berkel’s epic crash: https://youtu.be/x1psyuIAOo4
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Join our community forum: http://bit.ly/ZkLvE7
Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana