Watch as SSundee tests another theory with a new friend?! When will he stop forcing friends to join his craziness?! Lol, Thanks for watching! I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

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Music Used
Insan3lik3 – Bad Pitched (Original Mix)
Artist Name: Insan3lik3
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-4Ny4URgf4
Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/MC005-iTunes
Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/MonstercatMedia

Hitman: Agent 47 | “The Legend 47” TV Commercial [HD] | 20th Century FOX

With 47 on the hunt, you won’t know what hit you. Hitman: Agent 47 in theaters August 21.

HITMAN: AGENT 47 centers on an elite assassin who was genetically engineered from conception to be the perfect killing machine, and is known only by the last two digits on the barcode tattooed on the back of his neck. He is the culmination of decades of research – and forty-six earlier Agent clones — endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence. His latest target is a mega-corporation that plans to unlock the secret of Agent 47’s past to create an army of killers whose powers surpass even his own. Teaming up with a young woman who may hold the secret to overcoming their powerful and clandestine enemies, 47 confronts stunning revelations about his own origins and squares off in an epic battle with his deadliest foe.

In Theaters – August 21, 2015

Buy Tickets Now!

Cast: Rupert Friend, Hannah Ware, Zachary Quinto, Ciarán Hinds, Thomas Kretschmann

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/FOXSubscribe

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About 20th Century FOX:
Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more.

Connect with 20th Century FOX Online:
Visit the 20th Century FOX WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/FOXMovie
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Follow 20th Century FOX on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/TwitterFOX

Hitman: Agent 47 | “The Legend 47” TV Commercial [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Need for Speed Overview and Impressions | Gamescom 2015 Gameplay Demo

Need for Speed was at Gamescom and TGN partner Rurikhan saw a presentation on, and got to play this new Need for Speed game. Rurikhan previously played Need for Speed at E3 so now he and Globku bring you an overview of what’s new, what’s the same and what to expect from the latest addition to the franchise. What are your thoughts about the new Need for Speed?

Head over to http://central.tgn.tv to vote on your favorite game from Gamescom!

Gigantic Gamescom 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1XjXu5yOEM

TGN Partner, Rurikhan’s Channel ➜ https://www.youtube.com/Rurikain

TGN Partner, Globku’s Channel ➜ https://www.youtube.com/wearemagicalnoob

Partner With TGN: http://tgn.tv/youtube-partner


TGN Central ➜ http://central.tgn.tv/

TGN Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/TGNTV

TGN Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/tgntv

TGN Squadron ➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/Games

TGN Twitch ➜ http://www.twitch.tv/tgn
Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)

TGN Partner Forums ➜ http://forum.tgn.tv/


7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Dazed and Confused!

American Ultra has us thinking about pot comedies and there are few marijuana movies as memorable as Dazed and Confused. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

We fanned aside the clouds of smoke in order to puff puff pass on some of the coolest Dazed and Confused trivia we could find. If you want us to weed through the movie trivia to find you more facts then make sure to hit THUMBS UP!

What did you think? Did you know any of these facts already? What is your favorite pot comedy? When was the last time you watched Dazed and Confused? What would you do if Ben Affleck was chasing you with a paddle? Are you sick of hearing Matthew McConaughey saying “alright alright alright” or do you think it’s alright? What other movies would you like to see us talk about in future edition of Things You Didn’t Know?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Movies are a very complicated mess of time, money, people, and strange decisions. Inevitably, in the hodgepodge of life that goes into creating a movie, a few strange and interesting things happen here and there that are rather fascinating little tidbits of information. Every Monday starting in 2014, tune in to Cinefix for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn’t know!

Want more movie trivia? Check out other episodes of Things you (Probably) Didn’t Know!

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Mission: Impossible!

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The 40-Year-Old Virgin!

7 MORE Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Fast & Furious!

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Toy Story

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Jurassic Park

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Mad Max

6 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Dragon Ball Z

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Avengers!

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Fast & Furious

Simply Sylvio is Vine’s first avant-garde gorilla, and he’s doing big things

Just when you think the Internet couldn’t get any more wild, a gorilla takes Vine by storm.

Simply Sylvio claims he’s “just an ordinary gorilla trying to live a simple life,” but we think he’s a pretty big deal. Check him out on Vine: https://vine.co/SimplySylvio

Hey. Hey, you. Yes, YOU! If you like what you see, please make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this.

Also, every time you leave a comment, a kitten happily purrs itself to sleep. Let us know what you like, or even love, in the comments below. We want to hear from you!

Mashable is the leading independent news site for all things tech, social media, and internet culture.

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GoPro: Jump Rope Tricks

Shane Winsor performs a set of tricks with his handy homeade jump rope at RPM Fitness in Los Gatos, CA.

Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪http://GoPro.com.

Get stoked and subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ


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Top 10 NEW Games of Gamescom 2015

The best NEW games revealed or announced at Gamescom 2015 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, mobile, and more. What surprised you? Let’s talk about it!
★ Gameranx Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gameranx
★Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV


10. Thimbleweed Park
Release Date: June 2016
Platforms: PC, Linux, Xbox One, iOS, Android

9. Shiness
Release Date: 2016
Platforms: TBA

8. Attack on Titan
Release Date: 2016
Platforms: PS3, PS4, PS Vita

7. Dragon Age: Inquisition – The Descent
Release Date: August 11, 2015
Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

6. Hard West
Release Date: Autumn 2015
Platforms: PC

5. Cities: Skylines – After Dark
Release Date: TBA
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, SteamOS

4. World of Warcraft: Legion
Release Date: TBA
Platforms: PC, Mac

3. Stellaris
Release Date: TBA
Platforms: PC

2. Halo Wars 2
Release Date: 2016
Platforms: Xbox One, PC (Windows 10)

1. Mafia 3
Release Date: 2016
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC


Release Date: 2016
Platforms: PC, Mac, iOS, Android

Elite Dangerous: Horizons
Release Date: Holiday 2015
Platforms: PC

Daedalus: The Long Journey Home
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux
Release Date: Q1 2016

10 Most Advanced Robots

From Google’s Cheetah robot to a machine designed for nuclear events, we count the 10 most advanced robots that exist.

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