Have you ever wanted to swim in a giant bowl of cereal? GMM #736!
Thanks to GEICO for sponsoring this episode! Go to http://GEICO.com where 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on your car insurance.
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Rhett & Link
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Listen to Ear Biscuits!
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show “Good Mythical Morning” at youtube.com/GoodMythicalMorning. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best! – Rhett & Link
For customizing, creating and manufacturing premium private label, contract manufacturing or branding cereal, please contact Organic Milling – http://www.organicmilling.com/
Created by: Rhett & Link
Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Director / Producer: Sarah Hamblin
Director of Photography: Ben Eck
Editor: Bill Weber
Sound Mixer: Tom Pieczkolon
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Production Designer: Juliet Kaufman
Production Designer: Samantha Villegas
Set Builder: Sean Fenderson
Camera Operator: Tom Arsenault
Camera Operator: John Lovell
1st AC: Jesse Rickets
Assistant Editor: Leo K. Angelos
Production Assistant: Chase Hilt
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Intern: Mike Chrismanga
Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Show Graphics Package/Lighting: Ben Eck
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Outro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/