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Top 10: Overlooked and Underrated Video Games
Today we’re looking at 10 overlooked underrated video games. These 10 overlooked and underrated video games deserve some recognition so make sure to share the video and let us know any games you believe deserve to be on the list as well down below!
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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
Watch as SSundee figures out a new way to make an OP sword and then uses that to troll Crainer back!! What did the pigs ever do to him!? Lol, Thanks for watching, I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!
Crainers’s Channel
Kehaan’s Twitter(Who set this entire modpack up)!
Tweets by KehaanDK
Want to try the CrundeeCraft?
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Music Used
Insan3lik3 – Bad Pitched (Original Mix)
Artist Name: Insan3lik3
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-4Ny4URgf4
Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/MC005-iTunes
Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/MonstercatMedia
GoPro: Rachel Atherton’s Winning Run – UCI Mountain Bike World Cup 2015
Huge congrats to GoPro Athlete, Rachel Atherton, as she wins the UCI DH World Cup in Windham, USA securing her the World Cup Overall title for 2015.
Thanks for putting your heart into it Rachel, you had us all on the edge of our seats!
Shot 100% on the HERO4® Session camera from http://GoPro.com.
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds is handsome, rakish, and brave but acts selfishly. Captain Ron gets the job done but is more fairy godmother than captain. Who has your vote? Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Clint will be making the case for Captain Mal, rogue leader of a misfit crew. Anna is championing Captain Ron, misfit sailing instructor of a wacky family. And we’re asking you to decide between these two amazing captains!
Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Capatin Malcolm Reynolds and Captain Ron win below. LIKE the comment representing the captain you think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of CAPTAIN WARS!
Who do you think won the debate? Did Clint or Anna frustrate you by leaving off a key piece of evidence? Who’s your favorite movie captain? Who do you think should be the ultimate victor in CAPTAIN WARS?
Let us know in the comments below!
Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?
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Tune in daily to CineFix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!
Want to send us stuff?
c/o Mike Cruz
PO BOX 351213
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Watch More Recent Cinefix Videos:
Inception Hallway Dream Fight – Art of the Scene
Straight Outta Compton Review – CineFix Now
Make Your Own Batman Mecha Armor Suit! – Homemade How-to!
7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Dazed and Confused!
Viewing Movies With Nostalgia-Colored Glasses – CineFix Now Roundtable
Movie Wars – ROUND FOUR is Finally Here!
You Asked, We Answer Your Workout Questions! – Superhero in Training!
Fantastic Four Review – CineFix Now
District 9 – 8-Bit Cinema
Superhero in Training: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers! – Cinefix Now
Top 10 Most Beautiful Animated Movies of All Time
Some Good News and Some Bad News – CineFix Now Roundtable
Action Heroes: A History of Kicking Ass, Part 2 – Film School’d
VOTING CLOSED! HAN SOLO WINS! (Just barely – thanks for voting, everyone!)
Captain America beats up Nazis but has never been promoted. Han Solo earned the rank of General but has a habit of getting caught. Who has your vote? Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Dave will be making the case for Captain America, superhero, war hero, and all around great guy. Mark is championing Han Solo, handsome lovable rogue that all modern lovable rogues aspire to be. And we’re asking you to decide between these two amazing captains!
Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Capatin America and Han Solo win below. LIKE the comment representing the captain you think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of CAPTAIN WARS!
Who do you think won the debate? Did Mark or Dave frustrate you by leaving off a key piece of evidence? Who’s your favorite movie captain? Who do you think should be the ultimate victor in CAPTAIN WARS?
Let us know in the comments below!
Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?
Follow us Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/CineFixNetwork
Oh, and we’re on The Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CineFixNetwork
Tune in daily to CineFix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!
Want to send us stuff?
c/o Mike Cruz
PO BOX 351213
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Watch More Recent Cinefix Videos:
Inception Hallway Dream Fight – Art of the Scene
Straight Outta Compton Review – CineFix Now
Make Your Own Batman Mecha Armor Suit! – Homemade How-to!
7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Dazed and Confused!
Viewing Movies With Nostalgia-Colored Glasses – CineFix Now Roundtable
Movie Wars – ROUND FOUR is Finally Here!
You Asked, We Answer Your Workout Questions! – Superhero in Training!
Fantastic Four Review – CineFix Now
District 9 – 8-Bit Cinema
Superhero in Training: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers! – Cinefix Now
Top 10 Most Beautiful Animated Movies of All Time
Some Good News and Some Bad News – CineFix Now Roundtable
Action Heroes: A History of Kicking Ass, Part 2 – Film School’d
ARK: Survival Evolved – TAMING A PLESIOSAUR! [31]
Hello Everybody!
Welcome back to another episode of my Ark Survival Evolved series, today I am going to be taming a plesiosaur on the public server!
Hope you enjoy!
Server hosted by Nitrous Networks!
Get your own servers here: https://nitrous-networks.com/
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هل تعرف لماذا ندم نور الشريف بعد تمثيله مسلسل لن أعيش فى جلباب أبى…!!؟
قال نور الشريف عن شخصية «عبدالغفور البرعي» التي جسدها في مسلسل «لن أعيش في جلباب أبي» إنه «احترم حرص هذا الرجل المتوازن على ماله، رغم أن طبيعة شخصيته (عبدالغفور) تتناقض تماما مع طبيعة كنور الشريف، وهو ما جعله يندم على سنوات طويلة قضاها في البذخ والفسح والإنفاق بدون فائدة».
وقد دخلت الفنانة بوسي زوجة الفنان الراحل نور الشريف في حالة من البكاء مع بدء عزاء زوجها بمسجد عمر مكرم بالتحرير وفضلت النجمة بوسى وابنتها مى تلقى العزاء فى النجم الراحل نور الشريف لدى سرادق العزاء المخصص للرجال، ورفضت مى ارتداء ملابس سوداء كما هو معتاد فى العزاءات وفضلت تلقى عزاء والدها بملابس بيضاء. ووصل منذ قليل إلى سرادق العزاء نجوى فؤاد وحنان مطاوع والمنتج صادق الصباح وأحمد ماهر وسميرة أحمد ومادلين طبر ومحمود حميدة وصفاء أبو السعود وليلى علوى ودنيا عبد العزيز وندى بسيونى. كما حضر الفنان محمود عبد العزيز ولطفى لبيب وحسن الرداد وسمير صبرى وأشرف زكى نقيب المهن التمثيلية ومحمود الخطيب والمنتج محسن علم الدين وأشرف عبد الغفور ومحمد صبحى وأحمد صفوت ويسرا ولبلبة وبوسى ونورا وميرفت أمين. يشار إلى أن نور الشريف وافته المنية الثلاثاء الماضى، عن عمر يناهز 69 عامًا، بعد صراع طويل مع المرض.
بوسى تتلقى عزاء نور الشريف بقاعة الرجال وتدخل بنوبة بكاء ومى نور الشريف تلبس ملابس بيضاء
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