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From Mac Startup to Skype to AOL, Humans Try Tech Noises

Can you recreate the sweet, nostalgia-inducing sounds of AOL dialing up using just your voice?

Don’t worry, neither could we. But that hasn’t stopped us before.

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Mashable is the leading independent news site for all things tech, social media, and internet culture.

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How to Make Chess Pie | Pie Recipes | Allrecipes.com

Get the recipe for Chess Pie at http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Chess-Pie/Detail.aspx

Watch this video to learn a technique for baking a sweet and rich Sourthern pie. It’s almost like a cheesecake but without the cream cheese. Don’t worry if your pie cracks once it is baked. Just cover up the cracks with freshly whipped cream and enjoy!

Subscribe to allrecipes @ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=allrecipes

Allrecipes Magazine is now available!
U.S. subscribers, subscribe here: http://armagazine.com/subscribenow
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► WTF Is… – Trine 3 ?

TotalBiscuit gives his first impressions on the recently released platformer from Frozenbyte.
Review key was supplied by the developers free of charge.
Get it on GOG: http://bit.ly/1JbUd0D

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1JbEYTa

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