Minecraft – Build Battle Buddies – DISCO BILLY! W/AshDubh

Hello everybody!
Welcome back to another episode of Build Battles Buddies, today myself and Ash build Billy as a DJ!
Hope you enjoy!

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Squiddy T-Shirts US – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.com

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The ins and outs of proper disclosure

TotalBiscuit brings you a discussion video on disclosure of sponsored content in YouTube videos and how to go about it correctly.

Articles referenced in the video:

Five Ways to Comply with the New FTC Guidelines for Bloggers

What Book Bloggers Need to Know About FTC Disclosures


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UFC 191: Andrade Emerges

Women’s bantamweight contender Jessica Andrade has fought the right opponents to get herself noticed and into the UFC. She will stay on course at UFC 191 as she steps into the Octagon with Raquel Pennington to see which fighter can bring themselves one step closer to a title shot.

Mortal Kombat X – تحدي ضد اخوي – المباراة الثانية

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
– لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بـــ لايك و مفضلة و تشترك في قناتي اذا كنت مو مشترك يا مزه :$

قناة اخوي عواد : https://www.youtube.com/user/AwadG1
المبارة الاولى ضد اخوي عواد : https://youtu.be/D8k5KUpGdBg

اشياء تفيدني وتفيدكم ♥
●موقع يبيع الالعاب بسعر رخيص : http://bit.ly/1DjtmzA
كود خصم 3% : FGTV
●موقع نمشي : http://goo.gl/dHB7eF

كون خطيير وتابعني على..
● سناب شات : fir4sgamer
●حسابي في ستيم: http://goo.gl/3ADtBD
● تويتر: https://goo.gl/shOupF
● انستقرام : https://goo.gl/urrNoO
● الفيس بوك حقي : https://goo.gl/PofxfD

الله يسعدكم جميعاً
#قلب ♥

The Sushi Chef: Culichi Town

Mexican sushi might sound like a made-up term, but we can assure you that it’s a real cuisine coming out of East LA (with origins in the Sinaloa region of Mexico). We visit Culichi Town in Bell Gardens, a restaurant considered the leader and originator of Mexican sushi, to see what they are all about. From deep fried crab and shrimp rolls to a live Norteño band to covering almost everything in cream cheese, this is definitely not your typical sushi restaurant by any means. Take note, because their head chef believes Mexican sushi will soon take over the US.

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تحذير : خدعة خطيرة لقراءة رسائل أي شخص على الواتساب والحصول على حسابه على هاتفك بدون أن يعلم بذلك

بعد أن أطلقت شركة واتساب نسخة للويب ، أصبح بإمكانك استغلال هذه الطريقة لمراقبة أبناءك ، ولانتحدث هنا فيهذا الفيديو عن أي اختراق أو تعدي على خصوصيات الآخرين ، فطالما ستحتاج إلى هاتف الشخص الذي ستراقبه للقيام بهذه العملية يعني أن هناك بينكم روابط ، وهذه الطريقة ستساعدك أكثر في ذلك خصوصا أفراد عائلتك ومن تخاف عليه.
رابط الموضوع في المدونة :
صفحتي على الفيسبوك :

My Answers to Fragcomm’s Questions (Part 4)

Link to original video to submit questions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxzGP1Smt0o

Q1: 2:20 (Top 100 Fav. Fragrances video?)
Q2: 4:21 (Fav. Fragrance at the moment)
Q3: 5:44 (Le Male still signature?)
Q4: 7:20 (Other hobbies?)
Q5: 8:45 (What does my username mean?)
Q6: 10:10 (Most expensive buys that were flops?)
Q7: 11:40 (A fragrance reviewer that retired that I wished that returned)
Q8: 13:10 (One discontinued fragrance to bring back)
Q9: 13:42 (Biggest Pet Peeve of the Fragrance Industry)
Q10: 14:50 (Funniest comment on my channel)
Q11: 16:30 (Top 5 most versatile scents)
Q12: 17:20 (How much does my collection cost?)
Q13: 18:00 (One fragrance I hated from first sniff)
Q14: 19:05 (Have I ever sold a bottle?)

5 Ridiculous Dating Sites

Anyone can find love on the internet. GMM #747!
Thanks to Squarespace & Twin Collective for helping us redesign our website: http://rhettandlink.com
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/Dte-XdoR-K4
SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: http://bit.ly/subrl2 ****

PREVIOUS episode: https://youtu.be/GE6ipRyomnA?list=PLJ49NV73ttrs52WlwbXLctNtOMxlbZ3VO

NEXT episode: Link Coming Soon!

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Good Mythical Morning Mug

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Rhett & Link

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Listen to Ear Biscuits!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ear-biscuits/id717407884
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/earbiscuits

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Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.

We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show “Good Mythical Morning” at youtube.com/GoodMythicalMorning. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best! – Rhett & Link

Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Show Graphics Package/Lighting: Ben Eck
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Outro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/