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أكون | سلسلة قصص مشاريع وأعمال من السعودية

عبدالجليل الناصر

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للدعاية والإعلان

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جامعة الدمام /مستشفى الملك فهد الجامعي في الخبر
رئيسة وحدة زراعة القوقعه في مستشفى الملك فهد الجامعي في الخبر
مديرة اللجنة المحلية للبورد السعودي لجراحة الاذن والانف والحنجرة في المنطقة الشرقية
عضو المجلس العلمي لبورد جراحة الاذن والانف والحنجرة في الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية
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زمالة جامعة الملك فيصل لجراحة الاذن والانف والحنجرة
زمالة الكلية الملكية للجراحين في ادنبرة لجراحة الاذن والانف والحنجرة
زمالة في جراحة الاذن وقاع الجمجمة في مستشفى برن الجامعي في سويسرا
ميني زمالة في جراحة الاذن وقاع الجمجمة في مستشفى لوزرن الجامعي في سويسرا

QC#68 – Easy Apple Hack

An apple is cut “tic-tac-toe” style, and it’s ready to serve 5 times faster.

Full project video: http://bit.ly/5DeliciousAppleHacks

Next Video: QC#69 – Electric Ignition: http://bit.ly/QCElectricIgnition
Previous Video: QC#67 – Escaping Handcuffs: http://bit.ly/QCEscapingHandcuffs

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

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Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By: A picture I came across on a Google image search for Life Hacks: http://bit.ly/IBAppleLifeHack


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

I was surfing the internet checking out pictures of so-called Life Hacks, and I say so-called because most of them are either over used, or useless. But I stumbled across an idea that really intrigued me (http://bit.ly/IBAppleLifeHack). There wasn’t any information at all, and I couldn’t find the idea duplicated anywhere else. Just this one picture of an apple cut like a tic-tac-toe grid rather than cut into quarters. And another picture showing the apple wrapped with a rubber band to hold it together.

Luckily, my wife always has apples on hand, so I got experimenting.

Firstly, I tried cutting the apple as seen in the picture. My overall impression was that the pieces didn’t look the way I was used to seeing apple slices, but I was surprised by how much faster it was to cut them this way, and really happy to see there wasn’t a pile of apple core pieces that had to be cleaned up afterward. Just one bit of apple core that was easily discarded, or composted.

Next I tried experimenting with the rubber band around the apple. The idea is that by keeping the pieces held together with an elastic, the apple slices won’t turn brown. I tested this idea on numerous apples and found that given enough time, they all eventually go brown, but keeping the pieces together keeps them in pretty good condition for up to around 3 hours, which could be long enough to get them to work or school just in time for snacks or lunch. In any case, keeping the slices together was far more effective then putting them in a container, or in a ziplock baggie.

I have also experimented with using lemon juice on apple slices. The idea is that the citric acid in the lemon juice prevents the fruit from oxidizing. That is true! In my experiments I had apple slices last up to 8.5 hours without turning brown at all. They may have gone even longer than that, but I ate them.

While I was starting to film this video, my wife gave me a really great suggestion. She said, why not turn the apples upside down when you cut them? This way they are a lot more stable because they have a bigger base to work from. Genius!

If you’re looking for more cool tricks you can do with apples, check out my video on how to make an “Edible Apple Swan” http://bit.ly/MakeAppleSwan Apple art is fun, easy, and available, so give it a try and see how yours turns out 🙂

For one final experiment, I set up a time trial to see how the traditional method of cutting apples would compare to this new method of slicing apples. I found that the traditional (cutting into quarters, then cutting out the cores) method took 49 seconds to make 8 slices, while the new Apple Hack method took only 10 seconds for the same results! That’s 5 times faster!

So my final conclusion is that this Apple Hack is indeed 5 x faster, easier, more convenient, and saves a baggie if you use an elastic instead. In general, it just makes a lot more sense.

It’s one of those concepts that jumps out and makes you say, why haven’t we always been doing this??!

Watch for the full video, to see more experiments and explanations, and in the mean time start cutting your apples upside down! 🙂

How to Make Potato Skins | Restaurant-Style Recipes | Allrecipes.com

Get the top-rated recipe for Restaurant-Style Potato Skins at http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Restaurant-Style-Potato-Skins/Detail.aspx

Watch how to make a perfect party appetizer for a crowd. It’s inexpensive, easy to make, and most importantly, delicious. We’ll show you how to prepare potato skins and then fill them with bacon bits and shredded Cheddar cheese. Before serving, we’ll top them with sour cream. But don’t stop there – try adding your favorite baked potato toppings – and watch these skins gobbled up in front of your eyes.

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زيادة كبيرة بوزن مى نور الشريف وظهور أثار المرض على نور الشريف

احتفل النجم الكبير نور الشريف، اول أمس الثلاثاء، بعيد ميلاده فى هدوء تام وسط أسرته، بأحد كافيهات الشيخ زايد، وشاركه الاحتفال ابنتيه مى وسارة، وزوج ابنته رجل الأعمال المهندس خميس محمد خميس، بالإضافة لزوجته الفنانة الكبيرة بوسى، وشقيقتها الفنانة المعتزلة نورا. ولم يتم تقديم الدعوة إلا للفنانيين المقربين بشدة لأسرة النجم الكبير نور الشريف، منهم النجمة إلهام شاهين والفنانة الكبيرة المعتزلة هدى رمزى والإعلامية بوسى شلبى والمخرج ومدير التصوير شادى على. وقالت مى نور الشريف: “حرصت على الاحتفال بعيد ميلاد “أجمل شىء فى الكون بالنسبة لى”، فى هدوء وبعيدا عن الأضواء، ووجهت الدعوة لأصدقاء الأسرة فقط، ليشاركونا فرحتنا بتحسن صحة والدى، والاحتفال بعام جديد عليه نتمنى أن يكون سعيدا”.

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Previsualization Pros Share How Blockbusters Come to Be! – Film School’D Extra Credit

Previsualization has become a vital step in the filmmaking process. We sat down with Daniel Gregoire and Clint Reagan from industry leader Halon Entertainment to talk about the pre-visualization art, science, and magic. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Previsualization is the art of visualizing the movie before shooting the movie. From sketches in the early days, to storyboards, to mocking up sequences with toys… filmmakers have been previsualizing film for as long as there has been film. At Halon Entertainment, Gregoire and Reagan use the latest technology to bring the film to life before the cameras start rolling.

They sat down to talk about how they got started in the pre-visualization world (and how you can too!), the roles they play in the making of a film, and the role previs plays in the film industry. They’ve working on films like Star Wars Episodes II and III, War of the Worlds, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Moulin Rouge, 300: Rise of an Empire, Life of Pi, and (many!) more.

What did you think – did you learn something new? Are you interested in learning more about pre-visualization? Would you like to see more extra credit interviews like these? What other topics would you like us to cover on future episodes of Film School’D?

Let us know in the comments!

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Welcome to Film School… ‘D: where we cover everything film. From what it all means, to who what when where and why things get made… we do it all with some animation and a laissez faire attitude. Because history already happened, so what’s the rush?

How Important is Previz for Films?! – Film School’d

Before the cameras start rolling, a filmmaker has to know what they intend to put to picture. Unless, of course, they want to burn tons of money on film stock and crew overtime. But when millions of dollars are on the line, you’d better have your visual ducks in a row. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Previsualization is the art of visualizing the movie before shooting the movie. From sketches in the early days, to storyboards, to mocking up sequences with toys… filmmakers have been “pre-visualizing” film for as long as there has been film. Advanced technology has made previs a multi-step, multi-layered art form unto itself.

Today in Film School’D, its an introduction to previs. From Walt Disney’s storyboards to the live performance capture in Avatar. And everything in between. It’s the technology that makes summer blockbusters possible.

What did you think – did you learn something new? Did you get SCHOOL’D? Do you think previs technology has been a boon to the film industry, or do you think films are getting too big for their britches? What other topics would you like to see covered on future episodes of Film School’D?

Let us know in the comments!

Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?
Follow us Twitter for updates: http://www.twitter.com/CineFixNetwork

Oh and we’re on The Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CineFixNetwork

Welcome to Film School… ‘D: where we cover everything film. From what it all means, to who what when where and why things get made… we do it all with some animation and a laissez faire attitude. Because history already happened, so what’s the rush?

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An enhanced replay of the one of the most memorable fights in UFC history, featuring never-before-seen footage from state-of-the-art cameras, and exclusive new sound. Watch Weidman vs. Machida again, like you’ve never seen it before on FOX Sports 1.