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Power/Rangers and Copyright Issues – CineFix Now Roundtable

This week, the CineFix Team gathers to discuss the movie news that hit the Internet. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Power/Rangers, the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers fan film starring James Van der Beek and Katee Sackhoff, has been pulled from Vimeo and YouTube due to a copyright complaints by Haim Saban. Which raises again complicated questions about copyright, fair use, and fan participation. Quite a debate, and we’re sure developments will emerge in the weeks to come. Read more here: http://goo.gl/AebAi6

On the other hand, we’ve got LEAKED footage and concept art (kind of fan art), that has led to actual, real films being made by the actual, real production companies. So, works for Neill Blomkamp and Alien and Deadpool….

On the other hand, if you’re nostalgic for decades past in a non Power Rangers sort of way, Kung Fury is a success story that pulls from no established franchises, and yet uses tropes from all of them. After a successful kickstarted, the 30-minute film from Laser Unicorns will be out soon. Check out the trailer until then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72RqpItxd8M

And if cheesiness is really your thing, you probably want to see Big Game as much as we do, starring Samuel L. Jackson, Victor Garber, and Onni Tommila as the 14-year-old kid who rescues the President of the United States from terrorists with his bow and arrow. No, really: http://youtu.be/pKW2OMyMI94

Also, Tomb Raider is going to be a movie again: http://goo.gl/EuZz96

So, what’s your opinion on fair use? Where do you fall on the boobie adventure spectrum? What’s your favorite fan film to hit the Internet? Do you like your movie cheesiness ironic, as in Kung Fury, or straight up, as in Big Game? Who was YOUR favorite Power Ranger? Is the thumbnail to this video blue and black, or gold and white?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Can Oysters and Goat Offal Actually Make You Horny?

In this episode of Girl Eats Food, Jo digs into the natural aphrodisiac scene—including asparagus, oysters, Chinese herbal remedies, and goat offal stews—to learn how different cultures have developed passion-enhancing recipes that continue to be thought of as love potions for millennia. Skeptical? Just see how Jo’s new concoctions work on a octogenarian pharmacology professor who doubts her newfound powers of edible seduction.

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خالد الصاوى يصاب بفيروس الكبد…وزوجته تجرى عملية الزائدة…إدعوا لهما بالشفاء

أعلن الفنان خالد الصاوي إصابته بفيروس الكبد، مؤكدا أنه سيتمكن من التغلب عليه. ونشر عبر حسابه على “تويتر” عبارة أوضحت إصابته بالمرض، والتي أشار فيها أيضا إلى استعداده للمواجهة قائلا: “لن يقتلني فيروس الكبد، بل أنا سوف أقتله، سوف أمسكه من قفاه وأشنقه على جدران أوعيتي الدموية، كل السلطة للمقذوفات النارية في جوفي الوحشي وسأنتصر”.
ويذكر أن زوجة خالد الصاوي “مي ” دخلت الى المستشفي قبل اصابة خالد الصاوى بفيروس الكبد حيث قامت بإجراء عملية الزائدة الدودية ، بعدما خرج الفنان من حجرة العمليات لقيامة بإجراء عملية الغضروف، وعلق الصاوي على ذلك عبر تغريدة علي تويتر قائلا “العين صابتنا ورب العرش نجانا”، كاشفا عن صراعه مع الألم قبل العملية بثلاثة أسابيع ، حيث عانى من الشد العضلي والديسك والغضروف ،لكنه تعافى بعد التدخل الجراحى .

خالد الصاوى يصاب بفيروس الكبد…وزوجته تجرى عملية الزائدة…إدعوا لهما بالشفاء
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

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QC#64 – Battery Mining

A heavy duty lantern battery is hacked apart, and repurposed for melting metal a miniature arc reactor furnace.

How To Make An Electrical Arc Furnace : http://bit.ly/ElectricalArcFurnace

Next Video: QC#65 – Mad Science Minion: http://bit.ly/QCMadScienceMinion
Previous Video: QC#63 – Mini Arc Furnace: http://bit.ly/QCMiniArcFurnace

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

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Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By: This project was inspired by NurdRage. If you check out his video, please share the love and let him know you came from this video. Thank you! 🙂 (http://bit.ly/IBNurdRageBattery)

WARNING: Zinc is a metal which can lead to heavy metal poising if ingested in large quantities , and manganese dioxide is irritating to bare skin. Electrical arc furnaces are shock hazards, fire hazards, and can produce toxic fumes depending on what material you’re working with. Heating zinc to extreme temperatures forms zinc oxide which is toxic to inhale. Caution, care and expert planning are required to mitigate risks. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

For this experiment I tried melting down the zinc casings from the lantern batteries, and casting them into a small ingot, formed with a mini muffin tray.

Zinc has a relatively low melting point 787.2°F (419.5°C), so the Arc Furnace is able to melt each casing into liquid zinc in around 5 seconds. That’s amazing!

I don’t have an exact purpose for the zinc yet, but it’s an easy metal to work with, easy to cast, and great to have on hand for a future projects. It’s also one of the main metals used for making a simple battery.

The black stuff pulled out of the battery casings is manganese dioxide. It’s a useful chemical for experiments with hydrogen peroxide, so it’s worth hanging onto.

A couple of years ago I saw a video made by youtube.com/NurdRage on what could be scavenged from a carbon-zinc lantern battery. It’s useful to know what common everyday materials are made of, and these heavy duty batteries are containers packed with carbon rods, zinc metal, and manganese dioxide. I tucked the information in the back of my mind until now.

In my experience, the materials are still just as useful when the batteries are dead, so after you get all the benefit from using the electricity, the components can all be recycled for loads of other projects.

In reading and studying history a bit, I learned that some of the earliest forms of light were made using carbon arc lighting. Large amounts of electricity were pumped through carbon rods, making a bright arc and providing light.

I tried making a carbon arc light with the carbon rods and a car battery, and it worked great.

When I tried hooking the carbon rods up to the arc welder made from microwave parts (http://bit.ly/HomemadeStickWelder) it was insane. It could melt aluminum in a matter of seconds.

That kind of power was so mind blowing, and the materials so easy to obtain, it paved the way for making the Mini Arc Furnace project possible.

GoPro: Rémy Métailler Taxco Downhill – GoPro of the World January Winner

Rémy Métailler takes home the third winning slot of the GoPro of the World PinkBike Challenge earning himself $1,000! Check out his awesome line in Taxco, Mexico and submit your best line at http://www.pinkbike.com/news/gopro-of-the-world-best-line-contest.html

Shot 100% on the HERO4® Black camera from ‪http://GoPro.com.

Get stoked and subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ