Top 5 Plays : Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) – Ep. 6 /w MFPallytime

TGN Partner MFPallytime returns with another episode of Top 5 Plays for Heroes of the Storm – Blizzard Entertainment’s League of Legends competitor for PC. Pallytime collects the TGN Community’s best plays from the past week in the closed beta build of the game for a Top 5 Plays reel. Want your plays featured?

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What is a MOBA Game?

MOBA Games are multiplayer online battle arena video games. In spirit, the are all successors to the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) custom game for Warcraft III. Today, League of Legends (LoL) Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Smite, Heroes of Newerth, and a variety of other games exist with active communities today.

They are also known as action real-time strategy games (ARTS) and consist primarily of human-controlled hero or champion units facing off against each other in a 5v5 team. Also included are a plethora of NPC units and various map mechanics to keep gameplay constantly varying.

MOBA games are widely considered the most popular and active eSports engines in modern online multiplayer gaming.


Unexpected Review – From Sundance! – Cinefix Now

Mackenzie took in Unexpected, the comedy-drama about a high school teacher (played by Cobie Smulders – How I Met Your Mother, The Avengers) who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant at the same time as one of her best students. Here’s the takeaway. Subscribe:

This film about the complexities of keeping your own life in the face of motherhood by writer-director Kris Swanberg premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Mackenzie brings you her take.

Are you interested in seeing Unexpected in a wider release? Have you seen it, and if so, what did you think? What do you think of Cobie Smulders in a more serious role? What other movies coming out of Sundance have you heard getting buzz? What would you like to see in future festival coverage here at CineFix?

Let us know in the comments below!

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