Who needs twerking? This mom discovered her kid knows every step to Thriller and it is giving us life. Oldschoolcool
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Getting inside the ‘problem’ of the Afghan war | Channel 4 News
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Author Andrew O’Hagan’s new novel The Illuminations examines the experiences of the soldiers who went to Afghanistan believing in the war, but who returned home to Britain profoundly disillusioned.
Top stories: http://bit.ly/1wdbIG1
Minecraft – Syndicate Games – Blame The Camera!
Hello everybody!
Welcome to another episode on the ‘Syndicate Games’.
In today’s video myself and AshDubh go head to head to see who is the best at pvp!
Hope you enjoy!
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News From Hubble and Across the Universe – January 2015
Ode to Hubble Video Contest:
It’s that time again, time for +Tony Darnell and Dr. +Frank Summers to get together and fill you in on all the latest science and happenings from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hope you can all make it, please bring your questions and comments!
الحلقة الثالثة | طشت نحاس بـ 1000 جنيه في روبابيكيا
الحلقة 3: روبابيكيا في الفيوم
حكاية طريفة لأقدم “مكواة” في برنامج “روبابيكيا”
“جرامافون قديم” لا يعرفه جيل الآيفون
صفحات التواصل الاجتماعية:
الحلقة الثالثة | طربوش بـ 1000 جنيه في روبابيكيا
فيديو: “إبريق مياه نحاس” لا تراه إلا في مسلسلات التاريخ
“طربوش” في مزاد “روبابيكيا” بأعلى سعر
حكاية “الطشت النحاس”.. كوميدية جدا في روبيابيكا
صفحات التواصل الاجتماعية:
آخر بشت ارتداه الملك عبدالله ورافقه للمقبرة من نصيب الأميرة نوف
كشف الأمير عبدالله بن متعب حفيد الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز أن آخر بشت ارتداه الفقيد Continue reading
‘We have entered more dangerous times’ – Carl Bildt | Channel 4 News
Subscribe to Channel 4 News: http://bit.ly/1sF6pOJ
Former Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt tells Channel 4 News a “painful divorce from EU would be destructive for UK”.
Top stories: http://bit.ly/1wdbIG1
UFC 183: Who Is Nick Diaz?
Hear from Nick Diaz and those closest to him as they describe the person he is, where he comes from and what drives him. Diaz faces Anderson Silva in the main event of UFC 183.