أربعة أشياء لازم تتركها هالسنة

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The Co-Optional Podcast Animated: Shercox & Ramsay [strong language]

Your favorite Co-Optional Podcast moments animated!
This show is funded by fans and the podcast hosts on Patreon http://www.patreon.com/cooptionalanimation

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Nerd³’s Three Free Games Friday – 56

The rare series!

Super Wolfenstein HD: http://gamejolt.com/games/shooter/super-wolfenstein-hd-now-with-realistic-physics/39194/

Photobomb: http://milkbaggames.itch.io/photobomb

One Minute To Midnight: http://georgeing.co.uk/OneMinuteToMidnight/

End theme by the incredible Dan Bull:

All other music is in game music. It makes me want to be freeeeeee!!!

Nerd³ Site!

Dad³ Channel!

Second Channel!

Twitch Channel!

Nerd³ Twitter!



Top 5 Plays : Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) – Ep. 2 /w MFPallytime

TGN Partner MFPallytime collects the Heroes of the Storm community’s finest plays from the past week and compiles it in a Top 5 Plays reel. Want your magic plays featured?

Submit Your Videos!

Last Top 5 Video ➜ http://goo.gl/yAOfKX

Top 5 Plays ➜ http://goo.gl/lqPvY7

Heroes Content ➜ http://goo.gl/mljTXf

Pallytime’s Channel ➜ https://www.youtube.com/MFPallytime



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What is a MOBA Game?

MOBA Games are multiplayer online battle arena video games. In spirit, the are all successors to the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) custom game for Warcraft III. Today, League of Legends (LoL) Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Smite, Heroes of Newerth, and a variety of other games exist with active communities today.

They are also known as action real-time strategy games (ARTS) and consist primarily of human-controlled hero or champion units facing off against each other in a 5v5 team. Also included are a plethora of NPC units and various map mechanics to keep gameplay constantly varying.

MOBA games are widely considered the most popular and active eSports engines in modern online multiplayer gaming.


UFC 182: The Moment – Jon Jones

Hear UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones talk about what it felt like to win the title for the very first time when he beat Mauricio “Shogun” Rua back at UFC 128. Jones is looking to defend belt for 8th straight time at UFC 182.

“One Size Fits All” On Different Body Types

All women’s bodies weren’t created equal.

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انشقاق بحر الصين – ظواهر خارقة للطبيعة

يجتمع مئات الآلاف من السكان المحليين والسائحين سنويًا لمشاهدة إنشقاق بحر “جيندو” الجزء الشمالي من بحرِ الصين الشرقي، حيث يُفتح ممر طوله حواليّ 3 كيلومترات في وسطِ البحر في ظاهرة طبيعية تحدث في نفس الفترة من العام ساعة -تقريبًا- كل يوم لمدة 4 أيام، ويَصل الممر بين جزيرتىّ “جيندو” و “مودو”.

تُشير الأسطورة الكورية إلى أن النمور هاجمت جزيرة “جيندو” فقام السكان بالهرب لجزيرة “مودو” عبر البحرِ، لكنهم تركوا خلفهم إمرأة واحدة تدعى “ببيونج” التي صلت بشدة لإله المحيط “يونجوانج” فشق لها البحر وأنقذها، لكن التفسير العلمي يعود لتأثير التجاذب بين الشمس والقمر في هذا الوقت من العام على مد وجزر هذا البحر.
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