13 Photoshop Fails You Won’t Believe Really Happened

Calm down, Photoshop. Via PSD Disasters

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About The Jazz
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc., Used by Permission

Most photos originally posted on http://www.psdisasters.com/

Based on this BuzzFeed post by Julie Gerstein:


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No Man’s Sky : The Complete Explanation

TGN Partner CaptainShack dives into the mysteries surrounding Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky for the PS4. It is an upcoming space exploration game with elements of procedural generation not yet seen in the gaming industry. It will have single and multiplayer functionality. NMS will be ported to the PC lat in its release cycle.

Last Space Sim Video ➜ http://goo.gl/9pGnwz

Space Sim Content ➜ http://goo.gl/DKwENB

CaptainShack’s Channel ➜ http://goo.gl/uvXW6E



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The Daily Show – March of the Parisiens

World leaders march in solidarity with France at a rally for free expression following the Charlie Hebdo attack, but U.S. representatives are curiously absent.

Watch full episodes of The Daily Show now: http://on.cc.com/1zI8VsE

About The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning program that looked at politics, pop culture, sports and entertainment through a sharp, reality-based lens. Stewart and The Best F#@king News Team Ever covered the day’s top stories like no one, using footage, field reports and guest interviews to deliver fake news that was even better than the real thing.

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Fight Night Boston: Conor’s Elite Movement

Conor McGregor’s skills are put to the test as his speed, accuracy, and movements are measured at a professional sports lab. The outcome? Conor is not only elite, he is elite compared to the elite!. Watch Conor put his moves to the test against Dennis Siver this Saturday at Fight Night Boston on FOX Sports 1.