الخميس 15 ـ 1 ـ 2015م
Foxy: http://www.youtube.com/cinnamontoastken
Fanfiction: Foxy’s Bite
By: ShadowWeasel
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How To Draw Bodies – DRAW CLASS
Caldwell and Jacob give you an anatomy lesson in this week’s episode of Draw Class. These hips don’t lie but they might fib.
Also, don’t forget about Drawfee T-shirts! Go to https://www.teepublic.com/user/Drawfee to purchase any of the 4 designs that are currently available. If there is a drawing from a past episode of Drawfee that you would like made into a shirt, leave it in the comments or email drawfee@gmail.com!
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Togetherness Season 1: Episode #2 Clip #1 – Brett & Michelle (HBO)
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Don’t miss new episodes of Togetherness, the new HBO original series from brothers Jay and Mark Duplass, every Sunday at 9:30PM, only on HBO.
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Looking Season 2: Episode #2 Clip (HBO)
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Nerd³ Completes… Destroy All Humans! Part 3
It’s the end of the lalalala as we know it…
End theme by the incredible Dan Bull:
All other music is in game music. It makes me want to DESTROY THE WORLD!!!
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امير قطر الشيخ تميم بن حمد يعلن افتتاح بطولة العالم لكرة اليد
Edge of Tomorrow Preview (HBO)
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Premieres Saturday, February 7 at 8PM/7C, only on HBO
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Fight Night Boston: Conor McGregor Pre-fight Interview
UFC featherweight Conor McGregor takes a look at his division and explains why he’s different and how Dennis Siver doesn’t have what it takes to beat him.