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Safety Blanket: http://tangramgames.itch.io/safetyblanket
Slender Must Die: http://www.gameshed.com/Slenderman-Games/Slenderman-Must-Die–Chapter-2/play.html
FNAF (Fanmade): http://gamejolt.com/games/strategy-sim/five-nights-at-wario-s/44054/
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Banana Leaf Baked Cod with Courgetti Recipe – Performance Food

If you’re looking for an inspiring low-carb dish that actually excites the tastebuds then this is it!

A fillet of cod wrapped and baked in a banana leaf is a lean source of protein and its served with courgetti tossed in a Thai style ‘pesto’. Definitely something a little different!

Plus, having been lucky enough to team up with top UK nutritionist Jane Clarke, we’ll give you some of the benefits of the ingredients.

Get the full recipe at http://sortedfood.com/courgetticod

More info from Jane Clarke here: http://sortedfood.com

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT

Lego Movie! Dick Poop! Oscar FAILS 2015! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot WTFridays)

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The results of the 2015 Academy Award nominations are in, we’re less than thrilled, Dick Poop drops in to convey his disappointment at the announcement error, and your Best Worst Comment of the Week on Nerdist News WTFridays with Jessica Chobot.

What was your Best Worst Oscar snub? Talk about it in the comments!

Watch Dan & Rachel break down more Best Worst: http://nerdi.st/OscarNoms

Visit the Nerdist Store: http://nerdi.st/1Dt2pJO
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Nerdist News 5 days a week, Monday through Friday at 8am PST.


Searching for East Germany’s Communist Cuisine

Back in the times of the GDR (German Democratic Republic), it was nearly impossible for chefs to get their hands on a lot of basic ingredients. Most meals were born out of necessity, with chefs really having to flex their creativity. GDR food was also heavily influenced by the recipes of the USSR. Our host Stacy Denzel Janmaat leads us on a journey to find what is left of the notorious GDR cuisine, 25 years after the fall of the Berlin wall.

In the East-German city of Leipzig, the “Gaststätte Kollektiv” aims to recreate the GDR dining experience through its detailed interior and food. The 29-year-old owner and chef was born in Leipzig, and although he was still quite young when the wall came down, he was still able to tell us about the days of limited food availability.

Back in Berlin, we go on the lookout for traditional GDR snacks. Though snack stands were rare in the GDR, the precious few outlets for fast food served mainly Ketwurst (a kind of hot dog) and Grilletta (a take on a hamburger). Fortunately, we find a spot where the traditional Ketwurst has somehow managed to survive the return of the hot dog.

We then accompany our host as he goes shopping at the only remaining GDR supermarket in Berlin to buy the ingredients for a 3-course menu of Soljanka (a Russian meat stew with red peppers, cucumbers and capers), fried veal’s liver with onions and potatoes, and the GDR version of French toast. Watch as our host whips it up in his own kitchen for a dinner with friends.

More MUNCHIES Presents:
Surviving on Pizza for 25 Years – http://bit.ly/Pizza-Forever
The Truffle Dealer – http://bit.ly/Truffle-Dealer
The Pok Pok Empire – http://bit.ly/Pok-Pok-Empire

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