وليد بو رباع ـ حسن نصرالله والحماقة السياسية !
قبل بضعة سنين وفي عام 2006 عندما تصدى حزب الله في حربه ضد اسرائيل من اجل كرامة Continue reading
حفل زفاف أربع اخوان في يوم واحد ولكل شخص زفته الحالة انتبهوا ع المعرس الاخير
حفل زفاف أربع اخوان في يوم واحد
ولكل شخص زفته الحالة
انتبهوا ع المعرس الاخير
مبارك الدويلة ـ نادي القادسية في حولي و”هلا فبراير” في يناير !
نادي القادسية في حولي.. و«هلا فبراير» في يناير ! Continue reading
Galax GTX 980 “Hall of Fame” Video Card Review
Galax Hall of Fame 980… Galaxy Hof? Galax HoF? Well anyways it’s a beautiful card with beastly overclocking capability and a great cooler.
Graphics card OC doc: https://docs.google.com/a/linusmediagroup.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmLKAgEko3SAdHFtby1jNTFvaTF2UHhaMzdMQ0FNM2c&usp=docslist_api#gid=0
Squarespace link: http://squarespace.com/linus. Use offer code LINUS to save 10% off your first purchase!
Sponsor link: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/293097-cooler-master-case-mod-world-series/
Pricing & discussion: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/293126-galax-geforce-gtx-980-hall-of-fame-edition/
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Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat – Check out his channel here: http://youtube.com/adhesivewombat
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana
UFC Fight Night Boston: Embedded Vlog – Ep. 5
On episode #5 of UFC Embedded, lightweights Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone and Benson Henderson share an entertaining faceoff at media day ahead of their threematch, but things stay serious between headlining featherweights Conor McGregor and Dennis Siver. Current 145-pound champion Jose Aldo is greeted by some Irish fans, the likes of which turn out in droves for the next day’s weigh-in. Actor/boxer Mickey Rourke and legendary boxer Micky Ward visit fighters backstage, while McGregor heads back in front of the curtain for an encore appearance for fans. UFC Embedded is an all-access, behind-the-scenes video blog series focusing on the unprecedented buildup to UFC Fight Night: McGregor vs. Siver, taking place Sunday, January 18 on FOX SPORTS 1 and more.
Minecraft: EPIC TANKS MISSION – The Crafting Dead [4]
Time for an intense new modded survival with storyline, missions, and epic weapons!
JEN’S CHANNEL – http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen
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The King is missing, and the return of Milady on The Musketeers episode 2!
An all new episode of The Musketeers premieres ***Saturday, January 24th 9/8c on BBC America!***
King Louis insists that he experience the same carefree life of his subjects by spending a night on the streets under the protection of the Musketeers. However, their night of frivolity quickly comes to an end when Louis and D’Artanian are ambushed and kidnapped outside a tavern. They soon discover that they have been mistaken for common villagers and are to be sold as galley slaves in Spain. With the queen beside herself and the dauphin’s christening approaching, the Musketeers ride out to save the king and their friend. Meanwhile, Rochefort takes advantage of everyones absence and continues his manipulation of Queen Anne.
Click for more The Musketeers videos: http://bit.ly/1znbYYg
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Fight Night Boston: Aldo’s Takes
UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo offers his take on a wide variety of topics, including his fight with Chad Mendes, Conor McGregor’s position in the featherweight division, and where he’d like his next title defense to take place.