Squiddy Sundays – Emerald Isle – Ahoy There Matey!

Hello everybody!
Welcome back to Squiddy Sundays! In today’s episode myself & AshDubh will be playing on the Emerald Isle, on a new map Called Pompei
Hope You Enjoy!

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GAMEPLAY TO DIE FOR! // Survival Games #2

PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddCDkGX86Tg

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I guess I have to link these:
http://store.steampowered.com/app/295110/ (Isnt actually that bad if you don’t mind waiting 3 hrs).
Hunter: The Primal
http://store.steampowered.com/app/322920/ (Isnt actually that bad when I’ve played it earlier).
Beast of Prey
http://store.steampowered.com/app/299860/ (Isnt actually that bad if you’re high on crack).

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Thanks for being a bro!
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…………. _.·´

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اخيرا وصلنا نص مليون مشترك و حبينا نشارك معكم هذا الاحتفال البسيط و نشكركم كلكم على دعمكم و تشجيعكم الدائم ❤❤❤
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BAFTA Awards 2015- Sunday February 8th 8/7c on BBC America!

The EE British Academy Film Awards are the highest profile and most respected film awards outside the US, and they’re coming to BBC America ****Sunday, February 8th at 8/7c!****

Stephen Fry will return to host the EE British Academy Film Awards on 8 February 2015 at the Royal Opera House in London’s Covent Garden. It will be the 10th time Fry has hosted the ceremony.

Stephen Fry said: “Hosting the Film Awards has always been a highlight of my year. The opportunity to help the Academy promote filmmaking and encourage cinema-going means a lot to me. I’ve met many heroes and had the honour of introducing many young talents that are now busy forging remarkable careers for themselves. Seeing the photos from each year back I can chart my bewildering changes in weight too…”

To see the full list of nominations head to www.bafta.org

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