Heroes of the Storm : Super Abathur | How To Carry Guide | MFPallytime

Our resident Heroes of the Storm expert, TGN Partner MFPallytime, shows you how to carry a match with the omnipresent Star Craft 2 hero, Abathur, in Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm.

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What is a MOBA Game?

MOBA Games are multiplayer online battle arena video games. In spirit, the are all successors to the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) custom game for Warcraft III. Today, League of Legends (LoL) Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Smite, Heroes of Newerth, and a variety of other games exist with active communities today.

They are also known as action real-time strategy games (ARTS) and consist primarily of human-controlled hero or champion units facing off against each other in a 5v5 team. Also included are a plethora of NPC units and various map mechanics to keep gameplay constantly varying.

MOBA games are widely considered the most popular and active eSports engines in modern online multiplayer gaming.


The Sting – What To Watch Before You Die

“Not only are you a cheat, you’re a gutless cheat as well.” At least, you’ll be cheating yourself if you don’t manage to watch The Sting before you die. Subscribe – http://goo.gl/9AGRm

The Sting was a reunion of a trio that made “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” the phenomenon that it was: Robert Redford, Paul Newman, and director George Roy Hill. This movie is about a couple of con men teaming up to take down a criminal banker. Aside from the top-billed pedigree, The Sting boasts an incredible commitment to the style of its 1930s setting, featuring a soundtrack full of Scott Jopin tunes, and it even uses the 1930s Universal Pictures logo in the opening, rather than the then-current 1973 version. Cool!

If you’re a fan of gangster flicks, then you’ll appreciate The Sting’s cinematographic style; if not, you’ll simply appreciate seeing some masters of film at work. Do yourself a favor and watch it.

Want to check out even more movies you need to watch before you die? Check out Sundance TV’s countdown: http://www.sundance.tv/film-block/1001-movies-you-must-see-before-you-die

Have you seen The Sting? Or are you more familiar with Redford, Newman, and Hill from their work on “Butch Cassidy?” Do you like gangster and crime movies? How do you think the Sting measures up? Do you have a favorite Robert Redford or Paul Newman film? What other movies would you like to see Mackenzie talk about on the show?

We want to hear from you – Let us know in the comments below!

Here on What to Watch Before You Die, we’re bringing you the full scoop on one great movie a week, letting you know what movies you need to see in your lifetime. If you think there’s one (or more) movies that should be on our must-see list, follow Mackenzie on Instagram, and let her know what you’d like to see with using the hashtag #W2WBUD.

It’s hard work, keeping up with all the great movies that are on everyone’s must-see lists. You know there are dozens (or hundreds) of flicks that might be considered “best of all time” by someone.

CineFix is here to help you out! We’ll be breaking down the classics old and new, letting you know what’s really essential and why. We’ll cover the great genre movies, the films that shaped a generation, and the movies that changed the face of the entertainment industry. As well as movies that are just plain awesome.