99 Cheeses on ONE PIZZA! – CineFix Now

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is NOW ON BLU-RAY: j.mp/BuyTMNTNow
We’re celebrating with a pizza the four Turtles would love! #TurtleTakeover Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Yes, it’s the 99 Cheese Pizza that Splinter uses to “enhance” the brothers’ training. they said it was impossible. They said it was merely a plot device in a work of fiction. But some mad genius has made it real, and sent it to our doorstep: The 99 Cheese Pizza. The
And see our reaction to the previous trailer here: http://goo.gl/EKsZWL

What did you think of the trailer? Reactions around the CineFix office were all over the place, so we’re curious to hear what all you thought? Do you think Shredder’s costume looks awesome or lame? How do you think Megan Fox will stack up as April?

Let us know in the comments below!

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UFC 182: Jones vs Cormier – Extended Preview

On January 3rd the wait is over, as Daniel Cormier challenges the pound-for-pound king, Jon Jones, in the main event of UFC 182 in Las Vegas. It’s an epic clash of 205-pound superstars who have declared war on one another, and this score will be settled in the Octagon. Plus, Donald the Cowboy Cerrone takes on Myles Jury in a lightweight battle.


Watch as SSundee and Crainer open a bunch of Lucky Blocks and trade what they get!! Who will win the PvP battle to the death!? Lol, I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also!

Crainers’s Channel

Enjoy the Video? Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/Thanks4Subbing

-=Follow the Links=-

Instagram – http://instagram.com/ssundeeyt

Music Used
Insan3lik3 – Bad Pitched (Original Mix)
Artist Name: Insan3lik3
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-4Ny4URgf4
Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/MC005-iTunes
Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/MonstercatMedia

Ronda Rousey Thanks Fans

UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey thanks her fans for their design submissions for her next walkout tee. The winning design will be revealed in January.

Minecraft Songs Top 5: “Minecraft Jams” (Minecraft Animation)

Top 5 Minecraft Songs and animations produced by TGN Partner Minecraft Jams! Let us know which one is your favorite Minecraft song and animation, because is was tough for us to narrow this down to just a Top 5!

Last Music Video ➜ http://goo.gl/o6FGsI

Music Video Content ➜ http://goo.gl/kIMJRr

Minecraft Jams ➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/minecraftjams


Diamond Sword: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6j0RV8EXss

Little Piggy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s85cfo00UXY

Hop Chop Bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdGdiJunEXY

Little Square Face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSfR3Qdi_qo

Little Square Face 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO65LNEux1k



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إخراج أحمد الذكيري: https://www.facebook.com/Elzekairy

تقديم يوسف حسين: https://twitter.com/youssef_hussen



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Minecraft – Crazy Craft 2.2 – HULK SMASH! [19]

Hello everybody!
Welcome to a new series on my channel called ‘Crazy Craft’ in this series I am being joined by Stampy & Ash!
Hope you enjoy!
Shout out to MCProHosting for the server!
Squiddy T-Shirts UK – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.co.uk/

Squiddy T-Shirts US – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.com

Subscribe – http://www.youtube.com/iballisticsquid

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