MINECRAFT 2.0?! Microsoft Realistic Style /re:Action

Jonathan Moxness has disposed of David Brown and takes a closer look at the recent acquisition of Mojang by Microsoft and the likelihood of a rebuilding of Minecraft in the near future.

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عالماشي: طرق غبية للموت الجزء الثاني! – Dumb ways to die 2

تحديث!! نزلت اللعبة للأندرويد الان و تقدر تحملها على هذا الرابط: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.au.com.metro.DumbWaysToDie2
اللعبة ذي تعلمك كيف تتجنب الطرق الغبية للموت! مجموعة منوعة من العاب بسيطة و سريعة و لازم تتفادى الموت و تستجيب بسرعة! الجزء الاول كان صعب بس هذا الجزء شكله اصعب بمراحل!
تنبيه!!!: اللعبة راح تنزل على الاندرويد قريب المطور لسه شغال عليها.
رابط الاندرويد للجزء الأول: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.au.com.metro.DumbWaysToDie&hl=en
رابط اللعبة للايفون: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/dumb-ways-to-die-2-the-games/id929346489
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Mason Jar Snow Globe DIY

Here’s a really easy way to make a customizable gift for anyone!

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Minecraft – Crazy Craft 2.2 – Ender Knight! [10]

Hello everybody!
Welcome to a new series on my channel called ‘Crazy Craft’ in this series I am being joined by Stampy & Ash!
Hope you enjoy!
Shout out to MCProHosting for the server!
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Like a Dream – Speed art (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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QC#53 – Duct Tape Rocket

Someone asked what would happen if I combined the sugar motor with a paper rocket from a previous project, so I tried it with a slightly bigger version.

See the full project video: http://bit.ly/RedneckRocketry

Next Video: Matchbox Rockets: http://bit.ly/QCMatchboxRockets
Previous Video: Sugar Blaster: http://bit.ly/QCSugarRocket

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

A few comments from viewers suggesting to combine two previous projects to see what would happen.

WARNING: Although sugar rockets are the slowest burning of all rocket fuels, this experiment should not be attempted without adult supervision, proper permits, adequate training, and at a location far away from people, property, and anything flammable. Misuse, or careless use, of rocket propellants may result in serious injury, wildfire, and in extreme cases, death. Ignition of an incendiary or explosive material may not be legal in your area. Check local laws and inquire with local rocketry clubs on how to safely make and launch sugar rockets. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

This Quick Clip shows a slightly different approach to the sugar motor. Rather than taping the motor to a stick, I made a simple rocket out of duct tape, newspaper and cardboard, which shot up over 1,000 ft high, amazingly!

In a previous video on how to make sugar rockets (http://bit.ly/SugarRocket) I promised to show how to make a delay mix and a parachute ejection charge. This clip is taken from that video and shows why a parachute is important. Imagine a rocket like
this falling from 1,000 feet and hitting some person or property.

Look for the project video on how to add the delay mix and parachute ejection charge. The video won’t show how to make a rocket to deploy them, but it will have some demonstrations on how the process works. And with slight modifications these motors will work in model rockets you might already have.

I would caution anyone wanting to launch a duct tape rocket without a parachute to take every precaution imaginable. These are not toys. They can light things on fire, and fall down on peoples heads, which I imagine could cause serious injury.

You may need permits, or only be able to launch these on special experimental launch days with local rocketry clubs.

My launch was out in the middle of the dessert, miles and miles away from any people, property and anything flammable. Safety precautions were in place in case anything went wrong.