Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – 8 Bit Cinema

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is NOW ON DIGITAL HD: http://www.teenagemutantninjaturtlesmovie.com/digital
And ON BLU-RAY: j.mp/BuyTMNTNow
Subscribe to CineFix – http://goo.gl/9AGRm

CineFix presents Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit 😉 game tech. It’s like you’re back in the 80s, dude! No quarters or controllers required!

8-bit Cinema “gamifies” your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80’s arcade and NES inspired action! This week, we’re taking on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to celebrate the release of the new film on Blu-Ray and Digital Download!

Directed by David Dutton

Music by Henry Dutton

8-Bit a.k.a. the third generation of gaming started in 1983 with the Japanese release of the Nintendo Family Computer and Sega. Can you guess what games inspired our 8-bit version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Comment below and suggest the next movie 8-bit Cinema should “gamify”.

Watch more 8-bit Cinema here: http://goo.gl/kOxFJ

Comment below and tell us what film, movie, or TV show you would like to see gamified.

5 Tips to Cook the Perfect Turkey

Whether you’re cooking a Thanksgiving feast or an awesome Christmas dinner you’ll want to get the centre-piece, show-stopping Turkey right. So we’ve teamed up with Tesco to give you 5 tips to roasting the perfect bird.

Want to know how to carve it? Watch us tackle that here: http://bit.ly/1vFpSUp

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT

Cooking for Beach House in Nova Scotia: The Dinner Bell

In the second episode of The Dinner Bell, Julia links up with her boyfriend Chris as he accompanies—and plays drums for—the Baltimore-based band Beach House on their cross-Canadian Northern Exposure tour. When she sees that the band’s month-long stretch lands them in Nova Scotia over Canadian Thanksgiving, she packs her bags full of kitchen equipment, à la some kind of down-and-out Mary Poppins, and heads north.

Hitting the ground running, she is shown the lay of the land (and sea) by passionate locals who help her source some of the area’s best ingredients for an elaborate meal. Forager Jonathan Newell (whose voice is a dead ringer for Friday Night Lights’ Coach Taylor) kindly gives Julia a tour of a little-known culinary hideaway. For the freshest shellfish Halifax had to offer, she turns to Dave Adler, head of the community-supported fishery Off The Hook, who—along with his young son Noah—leads her on a successful mussel hunt through the back coves of Lower Prospect. The final stop: downtown treasure Ratinaud—for, as any good host can tell you, kicking a dinner off with a well-stocked charcuterie and cheese platter buys you more quality time with your guests.

Finally, after a day of relaxation and recovery in the oceanside retreat, the friends all sit down to a recuperating feast of wood-smoked wild mussels, roasted pumpkin and turnip greens, and homemade wintergreen ice cream sundaes with walnut shortbread.


Hot Fudge: http://bit.ly/Hot-Fudge
Focaccia Bread: http://bit.ly/Focaccia-Bread
Smoked Mussels with Toasted Almonds, Fennel, and Periwinkles: http://bit.ly/Almond-Mussels
Toasted Walnut Shortbread: http://bit.ly/Walnut-Shortbread
Wintergreen Ice Cream: http://bit.ly/Wintergreen-Ice-Cream

Check out ‘The Dinner Bell: A Birthday Dinner in the North Fork’ – http://bit.ly/Dinner-Bell-North-Fork

House courtesy of Boutique Homes: http://bit.ly/Boutique-Homes

Subscribe to Munchies here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-MUNCHIES

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الحلقة 967 : كيف تحدد إن كان شاحن الحاسوب أصلي أو مقلد قبل شراءه [حصري]

الرابط من هنا :

كيف تعرف ان حاسوبك إصلي

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الحلقة 965: الفرق بين ان تشتري حاسوب وبأن تركب جهاز خاص بك + نصائح لمن يود تركيب حاسوبه الخاص

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آخر المواضيع التي تطرقت اليها :
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الحلقة 955: مراجعة الحاسوب الوحي Lenovo miix 2

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الحلقة953: ماهو google adsense premium مميزاته وكيف تحصل عليه

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الحلقة947: شرح كامل لطريقة جني المال من خلال تصميم المواقع للغرب

الحلقة 946: راقب سرعة الأنترنت في بلدك او اي بلد آخر وهل هي في تقدم ام تراجع حسب التاريخ

الحلقة945:كيف تشغل ويندوز إكسبي على أي هاتف أندرويد وأبهر أصدقائك

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► WTF Is… – Tales from the Borderlands (Episode 1) ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the first episode of the five part episodic game from Telltale Games.

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1zTTvzm

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