1967 Maserati Ghibli: Classic Italian Grand Touring! – Ignition Ep. 114

This week on a special episode of Ignition, Carlos Lago drives a 1967 Maserati Ghibli, a prime and beautiful example of the Italian grand touring cars from the late 60s. Recognized as one of the most important Maseratis ever produced, this Giorgetto Giugiaro-designed coupe was noteworthy in its day for its styling, which helped it outsell both the Ferrari Daytona and Lamborghini Muria. This pristine example is owned by Motor Trend technical director Frank Markus, who graciously allowed us to find out what it’s like to drive.... Read More

فتح صندوق الاصدار الثاني من نظارة Oculus Rift!‎

أخيرا وصل لنا الاصدار الثاني من نظارة الواقع الافتراضي و بنسوي لها انبوكسنق و نجاوب على بعض الاستفسارات اللي تتكرر كثير و في الاخير بعض التجارب، و هل يعجبكم فكرة اننا نسوي سلسلة اسبوعية نجرب فيها العاب الواقع الافتراضي؟ اكتب رأيك في التعليقات! و طبعا نبي دعم اللايكات!
الموقع الرسمي للنظارة: http://www.oculusvr.com/
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How To Make Breakfast Milk Iced Latte with Rob Dunne

Don’t just stick to your cold-brew-flat-white coffee blueprint. Watch London Barista champ and all-round coffee don Rob Dunne here, who’ll show you how to make a breakfast iced latte in a few easy steps. Perfect with the new Mikado King Choco, which is basically the best thing to go with coffee since milk.... Read More