WHO YOU GONNA CALL? – What to Watch Before You Die

Today on What to Watch Before You Die, It’s the greatest paranormal fantasy comedy of all time: Ghostbusters! – http://goo.gl/9AGRm

It’s the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters release, and a great time to revisit the comedy starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver and Harold Ramis. Make sure to catch the re-release in theaters in August, or pick up the special edition Blu-ray. Either way, spend a few minutes with Mackenzie as she reflects on the genius that is Ghostbusters.

Have you seen Ghostbusters recently? Are you ready for a re-watch (or first-time watch?) Any other favorite 80s comedies you’d like to learn mor about on the show? What other movies would you like to hear Mackenzie talk about? What movies do you think everyone should watch before they die?

We want to hear from you – Let us know in the comments below!

Here on What to Watch Before You Die, we’re bringing you the full scoop on one great movie a week, letting you know what movies you need to see in your lifetime. If you think there’s one (or more) movies that should be on our must-see list, follow Mackenzie on Instagram, and let her know what you’d like to see with using the hashtag #W2WBUD.

It’s hard work, keeping up with all the great movies that are on everyone’s must-see lists. You know there are dozens (or hundreds) of flicks that might be considered “best of all time” by someone.

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CineFix is here to help you out! We’ll be breaking down the classics old and new, letting you know what’s really essential and why. We’ll cover the great genre movies, the films that shaped a generation, and the movies that changed the face of the entertainment industry. As well as movies that are just plain awesome.

Oh yeah, here’s Cinefix’s Privacy Policy and all that legal stuff and stuff if you want to see/read that: http://goo.gl/RofgIO

GoPro: The All-New BMW M3/M4 with GoPro App Integration

The BMW Group Technology Office and GoPro have teamed up to integrate the GoPro App with ConnectedDrive-equipped BMW automobiles. A GoPro camera may now be configured and controlled using BMW’s state-of-the-art iDrive controller and high-resolution screen. Take a ride with Justin Bell as he takes the brand-new BMW M4 out for lap and finds the entire lineage of BMW M3 performance cars.

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from ‪http://GoPro.com.

Subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ

Insightful “Translations”

Golf GTI Paints with Light! – Motor Trend presents The Golf GTI Project – Captured With GoPro

With the help of Formula D pro driver and drift specialist Dai Yoshihara, the Motor Trend team sets out to pull off a one-of-a-kind photo shoot. Working at night on a huge expanse of tarmac under towering floodlights, the pro driver dances the GoPro GTI across the open course, executing carefully choreographed maneuvers and high-speed acrobatics. Working with the MT photography team, the driver practices his marks until its just right, then… the flood lights switch off! Total darkness, except for a bright light mounted atop the rear spoiler of the GTI. Our driver then repeats his perfected maneuvers in the dark, while Motor Trend Director of Photography, Brian Vance, sits high atop the action — capturing a one-of-a-kind long exposure photo of the GTI literally painting a huge “GTI” below in arcs of light!

1 all-new Volkswagen Golf GTI. 100 Go Pro cameras. 100+ hours of footage. Motor Trend presents The Golf GTI Project – Captured With GoPro. We’re handing the keys and the cameras over to the cast and crew behind your favorite Motor Trend shows, to create a collection of original short films starring the ultimate camera car — a 2015 Golf GTI loaded inside and out with 100 GoPro cameras. We’ll bring you everything from hot laps to road trips to car chases to skate videos and more! Premiering all this June on the Motor Trend Channel (www.youtube.com/motortrend).

Subscribe now to make sure you’re in on all the action!

Facebook – http://facebook.com/motortrendmag
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Instagram – @motortrend
Website – http://www.motortrend.com

#سوار_شعيب | الحلقة الرابعة: انستقرامات وفانزات !

برنامج حواري عربي يعرض على اليوتيوب
يقدمه شعيب راشد
انستقرام: sh3aib@
تويتر: @sh3aaib
مدير انتاج: ثامر الثامر
اخراج: عبدالرحمن الخميس
انتاج: Madstand & @Belmokhba@
لمتابعة باقي حلقات # سوار_شعيب

Frontier Fields: Survey Status Update!

It’s been about six months since we’ve last checked in with the #FrontierFields team back at the January AAS and we thought it was time to get together to see how things were progressing.

Frontier Fields is one of the most ambitious #Hubble observing programs ever launched. It will stare at six different clusters in varying places in the sky for over 560 orbits in an attempt to answer, among other things: Are what we see in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field images typical?  Are the 10,000 galaxies seen in that small patch of sky unique or are they everywhere?

The Frontier Fields team is eight months into it’s three year program and we will be holding regular hangouts throughout to touch base with the effort and learn what, if any, new discoveries are coming out of the Frontier Fields images.

Please join +Tony Darnell,+Carol Christian and +Scott Lewis  as they discuss the latest developments and discoveries from the Frontier Fields science team.

Here is a link to the first Frontier Fields Hangout:

Here is a link to Jennifer Lotz at AAS 223:

For a complete schedule of upcoming hangouts, visit this page often:

جهاز يخليك تتمشى في اللعبة برجولك! #E3ar

شفنا عدة نظارات تدخلك في عالم الألعاب، بس ما شفنا شي يخليك تتمشى جو اللعبة كأنك تتمشى في العالم الصدقي، تتوقع نقدر ننحف إذا صرنا نلعب كذه؟اسم الجهاز Omni، لا تنسون اللايكات للحبايب

معرض E3 2014

إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

موقعنا : http://saudigamer.com
حسابنا في تويتر: https://twitter.com/saudigamer
حسابنا في انستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudigamer
قناتنا للبث المباشر : http://www.twitch.tv/saudigamer

جو تيوب | مبروك علينا السيسي

إخراج أحمد الذكيري: https://twitter.com/elZekairy

تقديم يوسف حسين: https://twitter.com/youssef_hussen



فيس بوك:


أجزاء من المحتوى المستخدم فى الفيديو مقتبس من قناة النهار وقناة النهار اليوم

Alfan Group 2014

#صاحي : “برودكاست شوو” 304

موقع صاحي يقدم الحلقة الرابعة من الموسم الثالث من برنامج “برودكاست شوو” والذي يتناول القضايا الاجتماعية والمحلية بإسلوب فكاهي وساخر بطريقة الـ ” إستاند آب” كوميدي . البرنامج من تقديم النجم الكوميدي إبراهيم صالح.
موقع صاحي:
فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:
قوقل بلس :
بلاك بيري صاحي:
إبراهيم صالح: https://twitter.com/#!/IbrahimSaleeh
سعيد صالح : https://twitter.com/#!/saeedsaleh77
أخراج : محمد باجنيد: https://twitter.com/#!/MBajnaid86
الموقع الرسمي لدوريتوس