Learn how to make Olive Oil Poached Tuna! Go to http://foodwishes.blogspot.com for the ingredient amounts, extra information, and many, many more video recipes! I hope you enjoy this easy Tuna Confit & Conserva Recipe!
Could Planet Hulk Be a SMASH? – CineFix Now
Are Marvel, Mark Ruffalo, and Disney gearing up to make a Planet Hulk movie in future? Rumor and speculation are in no short supply on the Internet, but here are some things we DO know that point to yes…! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Okay, this is all speculation, but what’s not in question is that “Planet Hulk” was one of the coolest arcs in the Hulk comic books. And now that Hulk has proven himself as a viable character in the Avengers, Disney/Marvel might be willing to consider giving the character go in a solo movie?
What do you think? Are you excited about the (speculated/rumored) possibility of a Planet Hulk movie, or seeing Hulk as the Avengers Villain? That would leave some room on the team of “good guys”… what additions are you hoping to see to the Avengers in the future? Would you like to see a movie starring the Hulk, and no so much Bruce Banner? HOW COOL would it be to get a look at that big board of future Marvel movies?
Let us know in the comments below!
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Top 10 : Reason’s To Play WildStar
Our Top 10 Reason’s To Play WildStar crated by TGN Partner CaptainShack. lists all the top reasons to try out Carbine Studios’ upcoming MMORPG, “Wildstar.”
See The TG10 Playlist ➜ http://goo.gl/G8jDLo
CaptainShack’s Channel ➜ http://www.youtube.com/TheXPGamers
Title: Wildstar
Release Date: June 3, 2014
Platforms: PC
Label: NCsoft
Genre: Online role-playing game
Age Rating: RP (Rating Pending)
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My Favorite New Games? Ask Me #014
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The Future of Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJgec1S3CbU
Graphics Card Overclocking Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNsMBzaysMQ
Budget GPU Comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfIyvY0MEpo
In this episode of Ask Me I go over some of my most anticipated new video games for 2014 including Watch Dogs and Destiny, thoughts on the OnePlus One and whether you should buy a budget graphics card!
Click to Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubAustin
Spider-Man Wants To Be An Avenger Too! – The Cutting Room
Everyone’s pretty excited about The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, Including Spider-Man! See what happens when he FINALLY teams up with The Avengers! Or maybe not… http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Would you like to see Spider-Man team up with the Avengers in a movie? (Of course you would!) What other superhero teams should he crash? What other movie sets do you want to see us “crash” for never-before-released takes?!?
Let us know in the comments!
Directed by Dustin McLean
Written by Anna Levine
Art/Animation by Jeff Campbell
Voices by Mark Petro, Bill Fisher, Piotr Michael
Produced by DustFilms
“The Cutting Room” brings you scenes and takes from popular movies that have never before seen the light of day, straight from the cutting room floor! From the creator of “Homemade Movies” on CineFix, this animated show imagines deleted and extended scenes every other Friday with some of Hollywood’s most beloved movie characters.
#صاحي : “تِك توك” 214 – Tech Talk
موقع صاحي المرئي يقدم الحلقة الرابعة عشر من الموسم الجديد من برنامج “تِك توك” (كلام تقني) والذي يختص بكافة جوانب تكنولوجيا البرمجة وتقنية المعلومات وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف الذكية، ويقدمه يزيد زيدان ومن اخراج منير العامري.
موقع صاحي:
إيميل البرنامج
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يزيد زيدان : https://twitter.com/#!/yz_zaidan
منير العامري : https://twitter.com/#!/muneeralamry
Cyberpunk – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation GM
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► WTF Is… – The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ?
TotalBiscuit takes a look at the newest game in the Spider-Man franchise.
Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/PXbR0u
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Chocolate Pizza Recipe – SORTED
Everyone has their own favourite topping for a pizza… but who’s considered a sweet option?
By stuffing a crust with fresh raspberries, substituting the tomato sauce with a chocolate spread and roasted hazelnuts and finishing with a selection of berries and dollop of mascarpone we create something that everyone will want a slice of.
Get the full recipe at: http://sortedfood.com/chocolatepizza
If you want to get involved and give us your recipe suggestions, head over to our Google+ community: http://plus.google.com/+sortedfood
Make sure you’re up to date on all the latest SORTED happenings: