Planet Hunting Techniques: Microlensing

Astronomers can discover a planet not by noticing the planet’s gravitational effects on its parent star but rather on a star much farther away.

When one celestial object passes in front of another from our point of view, the closer object’s gravity can bend and magnify the light of the more distant object, causing the distant object to appear brighter than normal for a short time. This phenomenon is called gravitational microlensing.

For example, if a closer star passes in front of a farther star, the farther star will appear temporarily brighter and then return to its normal brightness after the closer star has passed.

But if, by chance, the closer star is accompanied by an unseen planet, the farther star’s brightness will increase a second time as the planet passes in front of it.

By watching for a distant star’s brightness to intensify twice, astronomers can find out whether the closer star has a secret traveling companion.

Learning to ‘Kiss’ Mezcal: MUNCHIES Guide to Oaxaca (Part 2)

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In Episode 2, Munchies Guide to Oaxaca explores the complete universe of taste that is mezcal, Oaxaca’s sacred spirit. Host Daniel Hernandez starts out sampling artisanal, hand-crafted mezcales at two cozy tasting bars in Oaxaca City, Mezcaloteca and Los Amantes. Still nursing his buzz, he visits a palenque in nearby Santiago Matatlán, considered the capital region of Oaxaca’s mezcal scene. There, he throws a few maguey “hearts” on the fire, and learns how mezcal is made, from plant to first sip. Remember, always “kiss” your mezcal, don’t shoot it!

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Minecraft 1.8 Map – Bomberman ماينكرافت ماب رجل القنابل

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The Universim Game Teaser | CreativeStation

Support The Universim on Kickstarter:

In development by some of the talented artists from CreativeStation and Crytivo Games.

The Universim is officially live on Kickstarter! Purchase your copy of the game today to receive exclusive rewards! Reserve your spot in the Alpha and Beta testing phases!

The Universim is a new planet management god-game in development by Crytivo Games. With the powers of a god, you have the ability to change everything. But the world will not react to your every command in the usual way. You are taking control of a living simulation upon a world that is highly unpredictable. Everything in The Universim revolves around dynamic gameplay. Even the in-game AI will make its own decisions and go about life as you would expect. This most certainly isn’t your typical god-game! Check out our Kickstarter page for more details.

We are super proud to finally unveil The Universim on Kickstarter. Many months of hard work and preparation have led up to this moment, and we couldn’t have done it without your support! But we need one final push to make this game a reality. Come join us on this incredible adventure! We can’t wait to have you by our side every step of the way!

Moonrise: The Surprisingly Diverse Array of Moons in our Solar System

Moonrise: The Surprisingly Diverse Array of Moons in our Solar System
Dr. Bonnie Meinke, Space Telescope Science Institute

Earth’s Moon is so familiar to us, yet there are hundreds of other moons in our solar system that still remain exotic. Take a journey from our Moon to the weird and wonderful collection of moons across interplanetary space. Explore volcanoes, oceans, and clouds that make these distant worlds much more recognizable than one might have guessed. And consider how these familiar geologic features could create ideal conditions for life to take hold and flourish!

Host: Dr. Frank Summers

Recorded live on May 6, 2014 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA

For more information:

PS4 Update : PS1 & PS2 Backwards Compatibility

What is the true nature of console backwards compatibility? Should we be excited about the PS4 running PS One and PS2 classics?

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