X-Men: Days of Future Past Review! – CineFix Now

(Some SPOILERS Within!) We got a chance to take in X-Men: Days of Future Past a bit early, and we’re back with our impressions, opinions, and reactions to this latest installment. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

X-Men: Days of Future Past comes out Friday, and involves the cast of both the 2000-2006 trilogy and the X-Men First Class film of 2011. So, how did the movie do at tying together the continuities, the characters, and the cast? Clint will let you know.

Are you going to see X-Men: Days of Future past this weekend? Are you familiar with the comic arc it’s based upon, or are you going in having only seen the movies? Or only some of the movies? How do you think it’ll stack up against your favorite movie in the franchise so far?

Let us know in the comments!

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How are Samurai Films Responsible for Star Wars?!? – Film School’d

How are Samurai films and a car crash responsible for Star Wars? How did World War II affect the global film industry in the 20th century? Why are Jedi called Jedi?? Give us 8 minutes, and we’ll explain it all… SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

What did you think of this new show? Would you like to see us make more of these? What movies and genres would you like to be Film Schoo’d in? What did you learn that you didn’t know before?

Let us know in the comments!

‘Star Wars’

‘Seven Samurai’: Why Your Favorite Movies Owe a Huge Debt to the Japanese Classic

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Welcome to Film School… ‘D… where we cover everything film to what it all means to how things even get made to why they get made to who makes them and we do it all with some animation and a laissez faire attitude. Because history already happened, so what’s the rush?

Every other Wednesday, come back to Cinefix to check out Film School’d where we only scratch the surface of the bizarre history of moviemaking and films, stories that don’t exist in a vacuum, but involve countries, wars, atom bombs, car crashes, samurais, boats, organized crime, unorganized crime, easy riders, a sled, lovers good and bad, and well… you get it. We cover everything from the zeotrope to this video and the future.


Homemade Fire-starters for Backyard BBQ’s

Convert your leftover party trash, into a fun and versatile, micro fire pit.

Whether you need to get the grill started, set the mood for your romantic evenings, or get a campfire blazing, these little starter pucks will ensure you get heat you need, every time.

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Endcard Links:

Party Whistle: http://bit.ly/BottleCapWhistle
Bitty-Q: http://bit.ly/MakeTheBittyQ
S’more Toaster: http://bit.ly/SmoresRoaster
Icy Air Blaster: http://bit.ly/IcyAirBlaster

Music By: http://www.machinimasound.com (Morning Cruise)

Project Inspired By:

Boy scouts! My dad was the scout leader, and showed me how to make something similar to this when I was a kid, out of cardboard and a tuna can. We called them “buddy burners” and used them for camping.


Do not use indoors. An open flame poses a fire hazard. Do not use near any flammable or explosive material. Cutting aluminum cans will give the metal very sharp edges. Sharp edges cut skin. You may want to use gloves to mitigate any risk. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

During boy a boy scout activity, my dad showed us how to make a cool project called a “buddy burner”.

We’d take an empty tuna can, fill it with rolled up cardboard, and soak the whole thing in wax to make a small portable fire, or fire-starter that would burn for an impressive amount of time.

When a beverage company approached me and asked what I could do as a life-hack with some of their packaging, this was one of the ideas that came to mind.

I adapted the cans to work in lieu of a tuna can, and used the cardboard from the packaging rolled up inside, then melted candles and poured the was in the can.

How this works, is that the cardboard acts as a wick, and as it burns, it melts the wax, soaks it up through the cardboard, vaporizes it, and burns it as fuel.

The top of the cardboard will burn, but the rest of the cardboard under the wax line will not burn until all the wax is used up.

Amazing, these burned for over an hour each. And while they can start BBQ briquettes, I found that the coals eventually get so hot they will melt the aluminum. So tuna cans would be a better choice, but soda cans can work as well. They are also lightweight, easy to make, and great for any survival kit or day pack.

وش سر تقطيع الصورة في الألعاب؟ #مصطلحات_ألعاب

وش سر تقطيع الصورة في الألعاب؟ عشان نعرف الاجابة لازم نعلمك وش سالفة “عدد الاطارات في الثانية” في الألعاب

فيديو مقارنة Sleeping Dogs في عدد الاطارات: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DFbNn3YpWM

موقع يوضح لك الفرق في عدد الاطارات: http://boallen.com/fps-compare.html

إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

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We sing the classic Pokemon theme song with none other than Ian and Anthony from Smosh!
More Warp Zone Acapellas! ► http://bit.ly/1m2Qfvu
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Smosh stops by The Warp Zone studio to help us with our a cappella rendition of the Pokemon television theme.

– The Warp Zone –
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Archangel – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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إربح المال عبر بيع الملفات التي ترفعها على المواقع

㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【 إشترك يا حلو】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

رابط الموقع تجده في هذه الصفحة


رابط قناتي الثانية


لا تنسى زيارتنا على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك


㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【huhu】【1981】【ful2】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

How to Make Chocolate & Fruit Crepes with Adult Actress Kayden Kross

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If you’re looking for a way to mix things up in the kitchen, then you need to watch how to make chocolate and fruit crepes the Kayden Kross way, your neighborhood porn star. In this how-to, Kayden shares food stories from porn sets while she shows us how to make this fatty but delicious French classic treat. Ingredients include phallic-looking fruits and libido-inducing chocolate, perfect for a morning-after breakfast.

Get the full recipe on MUNCHIES now: http://bit.ly/1oCs6P1

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