Will the Samsung Galaxy S5 survive being deep fried in a professional fryer?
The Fragrance Review – Tag Response
My TAG is Vern – https://www.youtube.com/user/MrVernon437
Check out Rizzo’s response here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEa-IVfg6mo
Last Trip – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation
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Quiche Cupcakes Recipe ft. Donal Skehan
We all know that Ben loves a good quiche… He’s also a fan of the odd cupcake, so he’s combined the two and is showing off the results to our favourite Irish cook, Donal Skehan!
Get the recipe for the Quiche Cupcakes here: http://sortedfood.com/quichecupcakes/
Also, if you don’t know who Donal is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? Check out his channel here: http://bit.ly/donalYT
Here’s that Brunch in a Mug you were dribbling over: http://bit.ly/1giIKBn
Wanna go back in time to the Granitas? Here they are: http://bit.ly/1nYFeyJ
And THIS is probably the most amazing Chocolate Tart you’ve ever eaten: http://bit.ly/1jYNPPh
Get some sneak previews of our BRAND NEW APP over here:
New Games at E3 2014? Ask Me #017
Geekstakes giveaway! http://bit.ly/1mitWD0
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In this Ask Me I talk about the games I want to see at E3 2014 and my secret life as Batman.
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عالماشي : طرق غبية للموت! – Dumb ways to die
طرق غبية للموت لعبة خفيفة و ظريفة على الايفون و الاندرويد تحاول تفوز في تحديات بسيطو و تجمع اكبر عدد من النقاط بدون ما تموت. لا تنسى تكتب لنا في التعليقات كم نقطة قدرت تجيب! و ايضا اقترحوا لنا لعبة للأسبوع القادم! و طبعا لا تقصرون في الـ”لايكات”
رابط اللعة للاندرويد و الايفون : http://dumbwaystodie.com/
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