Lord of the Dragons – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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QC#27 – Adult Diaper “Super Soil”

An adult diaper is used to help plants grow. The new “super soil” cuts watering amounts, and times, in half, and can grow seeds up to 10 days without any extra water at all.

Some quick links to a few of the materials I used:

[✓] Huggies diapers: http://amzn.to/2cV0vHV
[✓] water crystals: http://amzn.to/2cGwM5V

See the full project video here: https://goo.gl/8Fk7DW

This “Quick Clip” is based off a project video I did last October (http://bit.ly/DiapersForPlants) and the purpose is to bring attention back to it now that the season is more appropriate.

Next Video: Superhero Shuriken: http://bit.ly/QCBatarang
Previous Video: Slimy Toilet Prank: http://bit.ly/QCSlimyToiletPrank

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
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Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
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Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

Kipkay (Crazy Diaper Gag!): http://youtu.be/Sk8r8Vo4U_M
and Steve Spangler (The Baby Diaper Secret – Sick Science! #018): http://youtu.be/VTU3JNAlOG8

WARNING: The results, depictions and claims portrayed in this video are based on the limited experiences I had to test the claims prior to production. All information is believed to be true and correct at time of publication, and no information or results have been found to indicate otherwise. Individual results may vary depending on location and application. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

In emergency situations, it’s always good to know and understand as many options as possible.

I love the idea that simple resources can be utilized to help meet our basic survival needs, or help optimize systems with just a shift in thinking, and repurposing our trash. Water and time are both very important resources, and when both can be conserved with very little effort, it’s a major win.

The next time you have a damaged or defected diaper that you’re just going to throw away, why not rip it apart and try some of these experiments for yourself? Just make sure it hasn’t been used for it’s original intended purpose first!

Samsung Galaxy S5 & HTC One (M8) Giveaway!

Rules are simple:

1. Be Subscribed to the TechRax channel.
2. Comment down below once.
3. Be Subscribed to UrAverageConsumer (http://tinyurl.com/lxf2xq2)
4. Comment once on his recent giveaway video.


TotalBiscuit’s thoughts on SMITE at launch

TotalBiscuit takes another look at SMITE following its recent launch.

Get it here: http://bit.ly/1fDlCI2

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MyCraft Server 2 Years #141 – مايكرافت سيرفر – حفل مرور سنتين على السيرفر

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
– لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بـــ لايك و مفضلة و تشترك في قناتي اذا كنت مو مشترك يا مزه :$
اليوم جايب لكم مقطع حفل مرور سنتين على سيرفر ماي كرافت – MyCraft

الحلقة 140

اعضاء السيرفر اللي حظرو الاحتفال
IVIal7oOoS :
xFariis :
YASssiir :
oCMZ :

الشباب الجدد


تبعني على
●قناة البث المباشر :
● تويتر

●قناة الالعاب حقتي :
● تابعني على انستقرام : http://instagram.com/FirasAlJuhani
● الفيس بوك حقي : http://full.sc/U5aprE
● قويقل بلس : http://full.sc/11BGGuY

REPLAY! Round 3 – TORC: The Off Road Championship from Charlotte, NC

Replay of Round 3! Watch 900 Horsepower trucks fly over 200 feet in the air side by side at speeds over 100MPH. The quest for the most coveted championship in all of short course off road racing starts here. Follow the conversation happening now on Twitter using #TORC.

See more behind the scenes on Facebook at
http://www.facebook.com/TORC or on the Official Website at http://www.torcseries.com

Catch the entire series all summer long here on the Motor Trend Channel!

Subscribe now to make sure you’re in on all the action!

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Holy half a million! CineFix hit 500,000 subscribers today! Thank you all! Subscribe, and we’ll be at a million in no time!: http://goo.gl/Z7lbS

The whole CineFix Team would like to thank you, in their own special ways…

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Magic Mike Drinking Game EXTENDED CUT

Watch Philliam, Ti and Cruz get their Big Dick Rick drink on as they watch the pelvic-thrusting glory that is Magic Mike. Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

See how to make the Big Dick Rick cocktail, custom designed for us by Nikki Sunseri, over at How to Drink on Tasted:

Magic Mike Drinking Game! – Movie Buzz

What could go better with pelvic thrusts than a Whiskey Smash? This week on Movie Buzz, we’re getting our drink on as Channing Tatum takes his clothes off! Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Our usual rule of one sip per nip is getting a gender-swap!

The cocktail of the day is a Big Dick Rick. No, really, that’s its name. Nikki Sunseri created it for us. You can find out how to make it over at How to Drink on Tasted: http://youtu.be/iENm_hQv_m8

We’re joined today by “Magic Mike” Cruz (No one calls him that). You know him from the Internet.

Magic Mike: A male stripper teaches a younger performer how to party, pick up women, and make easy money.

Have you seen Magic Mike? Were you drunk at the time?? Did you then try some of Dallas and Magic Mike’s signature movies? What do you think Ti’s Instagram and/or stripper name should be? What movie should we get drunk to next?

What movie should we drink to next?

Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies….’nuff said!