2014 Acura MDX SH-AWD – Redline: Review

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As the original 7-passenger luxury crossover, the third-generation Acura MDX quickly moves itself back to the top of a segment it created. It’s advanced safety features, excellent fuel-efficiency, and spacious cabin ensure that families will flock to Acura’s newest crossover. Offering something for everyone, including driving enthusiasts, make sure and put this vehicle at the top of your list.


Chiwetel Ejiofor is reportedly director Sam Mendes top pick to play the villain in the next Bond film. What do we think? In a word: Awesome. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

If you caught Ejiofor’s performance as the “The Operative” in Serenity, you can probably already imagine him delivering an equally classy-yet-chilling performance in a Bond movie.

Details are slim at this point – no contract has been signed. But even the possibility has gotten us excited about the next movie, (Bond 24, for those of you who are counting), whether it might feature bond ubervillain Ernst Stavro Blofield, and the series’ experiment with continuity. Clint breaks it all down for you. (Warning: Clint is a bit of a James Bond… enthusiast.)

What do you think of the possible return of Ernst Stavro Blofield? What do you think of Chiwetel Ejiofor taking on the role? What’s your favorite Bond film thus far? Favorite Bond Villain or Bond Girl? Any speculation of your own you’d like to share with the rest of us?

Let us know in the comments below!

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TITANFAIL! (TitanFall Parody)

Two soldiers discuss the confusing world of TitanFall
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Written by Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder

Cinematography, editing and vfx by Brian Fisher

Sound & Music editing by Ryan Tellez

Produced by David Odom

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Steam Sells: House of 1000 Doors – Family Secrets

TotalBiscuit takes a look at a hidden object game recently released on Steam, the developer of which remains a mystery.

Steam link: http://bit.ly/1eqDhlz

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