LEAKED: Internal OSCORP Safety Video

We here at Oscorp want everyone to stay safe on the job. We think of our employees like family. And as in any family, we don’t need the government telling us how to run things. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Doubtless you’ve heard the slanderous allegations that we here at Oscorp aren’t doing enough to protect our employees from cybernetic mind control, reptile mutation, and paranoia-inducing genetic enhancements. We’re counting on you to prove these allegations wrong! Remember to wear your protective gloves and eyewear!

Also, remember the terms of the non-disclosure agreements you signed when you were hired. If you see something, say something. But not to the press or we’ll sue your ass.

Will you be voting for President Marshall this November? What do you think of his stance on the toughest issues? Would you dare to go near his plane? What would you like to see us parody in future installments of CineFix Originals

CineFix Originals come at you Wednesdays bringing you original takes on your favorite movies and movie-related phenomena.

Created by The Devastator
Read Their Funny Books: devastatorpress.com
Twitter: @getdevastated

Written and Produced by
Asterios Kokkinos – asterioskokkinos.com | @asterios
John Ford
Amanda Meadows
Geoffrey Golden – geoffreygolden.com

Edited by John Ford

Asterios Kokkinos – asterioskokkinos.com | @asterios
Lesley Tsina – http://www.lesleytsina.com/ | @lesleytsina

Want to know what’s going on with CineFix in the future?
Follow us Twitter for updates: http://www.twitter.com/CineFixNetwork

Oh and we’re on The Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CineFixNetwork

Samsung Galaxy S5 Heart Attack Indicator

I decided to see whether the Heart Rate Monitor/Sensor would still work after the Samsung Galaxy S5 was burned in fire for about 20 seconds.

TB plays Chaos Reborn with Julian Gollop and Ken Levine

http://kck.st/1mdoaDO – Back the game on Kickstarter (ends at 4am EDT on 17th April)

Play the Prototype here – http://chaos1.vm.bytemark.co.uk/version13/client_web.html

In a special episode, TotalBiscuit welcomes the legendary designer of XCOM Jullian Gollop and the equally legendary co-founder of Irrational Games Ken Levine, to take part in a wizardly duel to the death in the prototype of the forthcoming re-imagining of the classic 1985 turn-based fantasy strategy game, Chaos.

GAME OF THRONES MEDLEY (Monster, Roar, Demons, & Titanium Parody)

The Houses of Westeros sing their hearts out in this “Game of Thrones” music video parody!
More Warp Zone Music Videos! ► http://bit.ly/1jKVmzi
SUBSCRIBE! ► http://bit.ly/Sub2TWZ
iTunes Download LIVE NOW! ► http://bit.ly/Ppokd1


Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia (House Targaryen)
Roar – Katy Perry (House Lannister)
The Monster – Eminem (House Stark)
Demons – Imagine Dragons (All)


Danaerys – Katie Wilson

Jamie Lannister – David Odom

Tyrion Lannister – TJ Smith

Cersei Lannister – Lainey Lipson

Arya Stark – Dodger

Jon Snow – Ryan Tellez

Robb Stark – Brian Fisher

Written by Ryan Tellez & Brian Fisher

Directed & Edited by Michael Schroeder

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Music Produced by Taylor Lipari & Paul Paramo

Recording Producer – TJ Smith

Makeup by Kylie Kudravy

Concept by Michael Adams Davis

– The Warp Zone –
Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/TheWarpZone
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Dependency – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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CreativeStation Team

► WTF Is… – War of the Vikings ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the recently released Multiplayer Close-Quarter Combat game set in the Viking age.

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1l7QWCc

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#صاحي : “ضربة حرة ” 210 – خطر واحد !!

موقع صاحي يقدم الحلقة العاشرة من الموسم الثاني من برنامج “ضربة حرة” والذي يتناول أهم القضايا الرياضية بشكل ساخر .. يسدد الأفكار والنقد صوب الإتجاه الذي يريده والذي يعتقد بأنه يستحق ( الضرب ).! البرنامج من تقديم “إبراهيم البكيري” ومن إخراج رامي القاضي

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