Lemon & Thyme Roasted Chicken – SORTED

A roast dinner is the perfect Sunday meal – but it can sometimes be a bit too heavy.

So we’ve come up with this Lemon and Thyme Roast, which is much lighter and a hell of a lot easier than a traditional roast. The fruity mash and roasted root vegetables will ensure all the family will love it!

Get the recipe at: http://sortedfood.com/roastchicken

If you want to get involved and give us your recipe suggestions, head over to our Google+ community: http://plus.google.com/+sortedfood

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How To Make Magic Mud – From a Potato!

It’s mind-blowing to think this stuff is in our food! Here’s how to make a glowing “magical mud” from ordinary potatoes.

Because of the popularity of this project, I’ve put together a detailed 15 page PDF (http://bit.ly/MagicMudProjectPDF) with step-by-step instructions, Fun Facts, Helpful Hints, and loaded with pictures. I’m selling them to help compensate for my time. You can get the Project PDF here if you’re interested: http://bit.ly/MagicMudProjectPDF

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Endcard Links:

Soda Tab Chains: https://goo.gl/RL3WQzFuel From Water: https://goo.gl/zZCGEPBottle Rockets: https://goo.gl/QCxLVwWater Weapons: https://goo.gl/iyVPwt
Music By:

http://www.machinimasound.com (Dust Sucker)

Project Inspired By:

A pots and pans sales presentation. They peeled some potatoes to make us dinner, and I noticed the white residue at the bottom of the dish and asked if I could take it home.


This substance can make quite a mess, so make it in an area that will be easy to clean up. It’s non-toxic, and perfectly ok to eat in small quantities, however, use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

When I realized that potatoes could be chopped up and soaked to leach out the starch, of course the first thing I thought of was making oobleck. My mind was blown when I experimented with this process, and realized the starch would collect at the bottom of the dish, and would stay in place when the water and impurities were poured out.

After only a couple of rinses, it’s amazing to see how pure the starch powder can be. It looks exactly like cornstarch that could be purchased at the store.

I was familiar with the idea of making tonic water glow under UV light, so wondered how it would would mix with the starch powder. The result was very gratifying!

► WTF Is… – Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae ?

If you want to watch a boss fight look here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JL7YLC-IJg this chunk of gameplay is entirely representative of what you will spend 90% of your time doing. This is not a review, thanks.

TotalBiscuit takes a look at a new arena brawler from Zenith Blue.

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1gtas8i

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Motorhome Mashup Part 1: Building a Monster Go-Kart from a 1986 Pace Arrow! – Dirt Every Day Ep. 27

Have you ever dreamed of building a giant go-kart powered by a Chevy 454 big block? On this episode of Dirt Every Day, Fred enlists the help of the Poly Goats, a local university four wheel drive club, to help destroy a 1986 Pace Arrow motorhome and transform it into a giant go-kart. Watch the destruction as Fred and the Poly Goats take sawzalls, sledge hammers, and crowbars to this Pace Arrow RV, stripping it down to the bare frame and drivetrain in preparation for building the baddest V8 go-kart of all time!

Dirt Every Day appears every fourth Thursday on the Motor Trend channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend

Subscribe now to make sure you’re in on all the action!

Facebook – http://facebook.com/motortrendmag & https://www.facebook.com/DirtEveryDay
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Website – http://www.motortrend.com & http://www.4wheeloffroad.com/

[Fir4sGamer] Minecraft: The Building Game #8 – لعبة البناء

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