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ماذا يحصل عندما تلمس سيفه بطاريه 9 فولت ?
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Is Titanfall Worth It?
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Are you picking up Titanfall for Xbox One or PC?
As one of the most hyped games of 2014 Titanfall draws a lot on great first person shooters like Call of Duty but brings new things like giant mechs called Titans, computer controller Grunts and Spectres, a jetpack and more. Question is, is Titanfall worth buying an Xbox One or upgrading your PC for?
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Need For Speed Review!! – Cinefix Now
Philliam and Ti took in a showing of the brand-new Aaron Paul flick, Need for Speed. Aside from perhaps inspiring some dangerous driving behavior, it was quite a good time! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Need for Speed opens March 14, 2014 (that’s today!) and star Aaron Paul post-Breaking Bad. If Ti and Philliam are to be believed, it may be one of the better movies based on a video game. Like, Ever.
Are you planning to see the new Need for Speed flick? Do you have a favorite film in the “Fast Cars!” genre? Have you played the game, and which do you think will be more fun? Would you like to nominate another movie for “best video game adaptation ever?”
Let us know in the comments below!
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[S] Winter Song – Homestuck
Song: Winter Song
Artist: Sara Bareilles (feat. Ingrid Michaelson)
معرض جنيف الدولى صالة ابولو تغطية حسن كتبي
سيارة السباقات جومبرت 8 سلندر 750 حصان على 1360كجم 2.9 من 0-100 8.8 ثانية 0-200 كلم و السيارة الجديدة اكسبلوجن (انفجار)
معرض جنيف الدولى صالة نيسان تغطية حسن كتبي
الرائعة نيسان جى تى ار و
الاختراع والعبقرية فى سباق سيارات التحمل فيما يبدو انها ب 3 كفرات فقط واللتى احرجت كبار الصانعيين العالميين ولكنها ب4 كفرات ووزن خفيف 1/2 معامل الاحتكاك للمنافسين 1.6لتر 4 سلندر توربو 300 حصان وتسمى دلتا وينق او ثلاثية الاجنح
Catwoman Drinking Game with JC Coccoli! – Movie Buzz
We’re wrapping up Superhero Week here at CineFix by watching the worst superhero movie we could get our hands on: Catwoman! Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Boy, there was some stiff competition to be the worst superhero movie, so we’re accompanying it with a stiff drink! Today’s stiff drink is a Black and White Manhattan, courtesy of Master Mixologist Nikki Sunseri. Nikki can show you how to make a black and white manhattan cocktail over at How To Drink on Tasted:
We’re joined today by awesome comedian J.C. Coccoli (She’s Pretty!): http://jccoccoliispretty.com/
Have you seen Catwoman? Do you wish you’d seen it while drinking a tasty black and white manhattan (of course you do!) Do you think it’s the worst superhero movie ever, or would you like to nominate something else for that dubious honor? Let us know in the comments!
Catwoman: A shy woman, endowed with the speed, reflexes, and senses of a cat, walks a thin line between criminal and hero, even as a detective doggedly pursues her, fascinated by both of her personas.
What movie should we drink to next?
Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies….’nuff said!
معرض جنيف الدولى صالة مرسيدس تغطية حسن كتبي
لمشاهدة افضل تم تغطيت صالو مرسيديس فى معرض دبي