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㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【 إشترك يا حلو】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

مواضيع قد تهمك:

الدرس : إربح المال من اليوتوب بطريقة قانونية وسريعة
ترتيب أفضل وأقل 10 دول العالم في سرعة الأنترنت

كيف تخدع أصدقاءك على الفيسبوك أنك قرأت جميع رسائلهم


لا تنسى زيارتنا على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك


㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【huhu】【1981】【ful2】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

عبدالجليل شاكر ومعاناته كخدمي #نادي_جدة_للكوميديا

عبدالجليل يحكي قصته كخدمي محروم من التجارب الرومنسية وقصته مع بنت تعرف عليها من الشمال ..

نادي جدة للكوميديا يقدم فن الستاند أب للجمهور من خلال هواة يجربون حظهم للمرة الاولى. بعضهم يحلم بالوصول لعالم التمثيل، وبعضهم فقط يريد ان يستمتع مع جمهور محب للضحك وللمشاركة ولفن الستاند أب

لمعرفة المزيد عن نادي جدة للكوميديا، أو للتقديم على تجارب الاداء، أو لمعرفة مواعيد العروض وشراء التذاكر فضلا تابعنا على https://twitter.com/JedComedyClub

Minecraft BlockParty – ماين كرافت: بلووك بارتي #1

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
– لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بـــ لايك و مفضلة و تشترك في قناتي اذا كنت مو مشترك يا مزه :$
الاي بي

تبعني على
●قناة البث المباشر :
● تويتر

●قناة الالعاب حقتي :
● تابعني على انستقرام : http://instagram.com/FirasAlJuhani
● الفيس بوك حقي : http://full.sc/U5aprE
● قويقل بلس : http://full.sc/11BGGuY
● اسك اف ام : http://ask.fm/iFir4sGamer

ماين كرافت
Minecraft BlockParty

2008 BMW 335i Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, & Test Drive

Still fast, still good looking, and still fun-to-drive, the 2008 BMW 335i makes for a top pick on the used sport luxury sedan market. Just avoid the early models with the cumbersome iDrive interface and used car buyers should expect a higher cost of ownership that comes with owning one.

Splinter Cell Movie Hires Bourne Identity Director! – Cinefix Now

The movie adaptation of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell finally gets a director: Bourne Identity’s Doug Liman. Like the choice? Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Tom Hardy, (previously seen as Bane) has already been cast as special operative Sam Fisher. Most exciting, though, is the fact that video game studio Ubisoft will be taking a direct hand in the production of this and the other films being adapted from its properties. Finally, we might see some video game movies live up to their full potential!

Read more about the planned Splinter Cell movie here: http://goo.gl/fAh9si

What do you think? Do you think Doug Liman is a good choice to direct, or do you have a director you’d prefer? Do you think Tom Hardy’s a good fit for Sam Fisher? If you’ve played the games, do you think they’ll make good movies? What do you think of Ubisoft getting directly into the movie business? Let us know in the comments below!

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Tune in daily to Cinefix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!

Cool Kid HIGH School Flicks!! – What to Watch

DRUGS, COMPETITION AND MURDER aka HIGH SCHOOL movies! Find out where on the World Wide Web cool movies about high school are STREAMING NOW!!! Subscribe for more W2W updates every Wednesday – http://goo.gl/9AGRm

What was your favorite high school movie? Your favorite movie in high school? Your favorite movie to watch while… High? Any suggestions we missed? Let us know in the comments below?

Dazed and Confused on Amazon: http://goo.gl/mDD7R0
The adventures of incoming high school and junior high students on the last day of school, in May of 1976.

American Grafitti on Amazon: http://goo.gl/QY1qdZ
A couple of high school grads spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college.

Election on Amazon: http://goo.gl/E57ick
A high school teacher’s personal life becomes complicated as he works with students during the school elections.

Grosse Pointe Blank on Hulu: http://goo.gl/abjpfv
Martin Blank is a professional assassin. He is sent on a mission to a small Detroit suburb, Grosse Pointe, and, by coincidence, his ten-year high school reunion party is taking place there at the same time.

Welcome to W2W aka What to Watch, the weekly Wednesday show that will help us figure out what to watch and where to watch it! Each week Mackenzie will navigate the plethora of awesomeness that’s available online for our viewing pleasures.

We don’t know about you, but the last thing we want to do after coming home exhausted is try to stream something then spend a half an hour first, figuring out what we want to watch and then, trying to search though a million platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime etc. etc. etc. to find out who actually plays our selection!

CineFix will now be doing the research for you! We’ll pick cool shows, TV shows, and videos that you need to see or would love to watch again and let you know where online it’s playing.

There are a million different streaming platforms and we want to feature them all. Let Mackenzie know what you’re watching and where you’re watching it and she’ll talk about it on the show!