The Fragrance Reviewers’ TAG

1. What are your earliest fragrance memories? 1:01
2. What was your first fragrance purchase? 2:14
3. What was your first niche purchase? 2:54
4. What was your 1st blind buy? 3:15
5. What was your best blind buy? 4:17
6. What was your worst blind buy? 4:53
7. What are your favorite fragrance notes? 6:31
8. What is your favorite fragrance house? 8:47
9. What fragrance best describes you? 10:24
10. What is your favorite fragrance? 10:37
11. What is your fragrance profile? 12:12
12. What are your fragrance resolutions going forward? 14:10

I am tagging 16:09
Raj : 8rk7
MaX: Maximilian Heusler

Tok’yo Mama Fizzzz by Smell Bent | Fragrance Review

Check out this house:

This is a very linear fragrance, what you smell from the beginning is what you get throughout the whole duration of wearing it. The smell of a grapefruit, lemon lime type of soda is captured very accurately with this one. If that type of scent is what you’re looking for, this is the frag to get!

Fast & Furious 7 to Star CGI Paul Walker??? – Cinefix Now

THE FUTURE IS NOW! How do we know? According to rumors all over the Internet today, Fast & the Furious 7 will keep the deceased Paul Walker in the cast using SCIENCE!! Subscribe:

Shooting for the sequel has resumed, and it seems as though Paul Waker may still be in it, with the help of body doubles, motion capture, and voice impersonators. Forget flying cars – you know you’re living in the future when dead people star in movies about cars.

Read the reports of how Universal plans to pull this off here:

What do you think of this news? If you weren’t planning to see Fast & Furious 7 already, will the promise of a CGI star get you to theaters? What do you think is the most impressive bit of motion capture you’ve seen so far, and how would a CGI Paul Walker compare? Let us know in the comments below!!!

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Forrest Gump Forgotten Takes! – The Cutting Room

Check out a few deleted takes from this Oscar-winning classic! Subscribe for more of the THE CUTTING ROOM every other FRIDAY:

What do you think of these new “spins” on the famous scene the best Picture of 1994? Do you think it would have won as many awards if they’d gone with one of these alternate takes? What movie would you like us to do next?

Directed by Dustin McLean
Written by Ron Babcock
Art/Animation by Jeff Campbell
Voices by Ron Babcock, Piotr Michael
Produced by DustFilms

“The Cutting Room” brings you scenes from popular movies that have never before seen the light of day, straight from the cutting room floor! From the creator of “Homemade Movies” on CineFix, this animated show imagines deleted and extended scenes every other Friday with some of Hollywood’s most beloved movie characters.

Bad Words Review! – Cinefix Now

We took in Bad Words before it opens wide this weekend. It wasn’t what we expected going in, but it was pretty F*@king good. You should check it out! Subscribe:

Bad Words is the story of Guy Trilby, played by Jason Bateman (in his directorial debut), a highly unlikable 40-year-old man who enters a children’s spelling bee. The movie goes in directions you won’t have expected from the trailer. But, good directions nonetheless.

Watch the trailer here:

And watch an interview with Jason Bateman over at Moviefone:

Are you planning to see Bad Words this weekend (you totally should)! Or, did you catch it in its early limited release – if so, what’d you think? What’s your favorite movie starring a jerk, an a$$hole, or a misanthrope? Let us know in the comments below!

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Tune in daily to Cinefix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!

TB and Crendor’s Hearthstone Gimmick-a-thon 3000

TotalBiscuit and Crendor do some Hearthstone stuff.

Check out Crendor’s channel:

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