What Are NASA’s Astrophysics Priorities?

Every 10 years, astronomers get together to decide what questions they would MOST like answered.

The results are compiled in a document known as the Decadal Survey.  This survey is usually the starting point for deciding what missions NASA would like to get involved in and fund.

For example in the 2000 Decadal Survey, The James Webb Space Telescope was the top priority to the science community.  In the more recent 2010 Survey, WFIRST was at the top of the list.

But these surveys describe the science opportunities that face us now and help greatly in prioritizing programs for the next decade.

But what about the even larger picture?

NASA is developing a long-range view that highlights the science possibilities over the next 30 years and provides the inspiration and rationale for continuing American leadership and investment in NASA’s astrophysics programs.

They call it the NASA Astrophysics Roadmap and they have just completed it.

If you are interested in the long-term astrophysics mission of NASA over the next 30 years, please join +Tony Darnell and +Jason Kalirai as they discuss these plans with the Chair of the Road Map Committee and many of it’s members.

This hangout will provide you with unprecedented access to many of the people who help shape NASA’s science future, and it promises to be very exciting.

We hope you can make it! If not, as always, it will be archived on our YouTube Channel for later viewing.

We will have the Q&A app running during the event so you can communicate with us and we’ll also be looking at your comments on Twitter ( #Hubblehangouts and #hubble ) and you can always leave comments on this event page and the YouTube Video.

Warcraft 3 : 2v2 – UD (Senseless) & UD (Hrebu) vs HU (TheLord) & NE (Gne)

Hengest brings you a 2v2 Warcraft III cast between two Undead players and a Human/Night Elf team on Bridge Too Near.

Let us know if you want to see more in the comments below!

See Our WC3 Content ➜ http://goo.gl/xrK9iq

See Hengest’s Channel ➜ http://www.youtube.com/neandrathal


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Frankie & Alice (2014) HD – Halle Berry, Stellan Skarsgard, Phylicia Rashad

Release Date: April 14, 2014 (limited)

Director: Geoffrey Sax

Starring: Halle Berry, Stellan Skarsgard, Phylicia Rashad, Chandra Wilson, Matt Frewer

Plot Summary: “Frankie & Alice” is inspired by the remarkable true story of an African American go-go dancer “Frankie” with multiple personalities (dissociative identity disorder or “DID”) who struggles to remain her true self while fighting against two very unique alter egos: a seven-year-old child named Genius and a Southern white racist woman named Alice.

Twitch Plays Pokemon – A Horror Story

Our interpretation of the Twitch Plays Pokemon phenomenon. After weeks of having thousands of voices in his head, Red’s mental state is…questionable. ► http://www.twitch.tv/twitchplayspokemon

Twitch Plays Pokemon – The Horror Parody

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Jupiter Globe Rotation – Loop

This version of “Jupiter Globe Rotation” does not have titles or credits, in order to allow it to be played continuously in a loop.

The giant planet Jupiter has a diameter of more than 10 times Earth’s diameter. Its striped and dynamic atmosphere, dotted with massive, powerful storms, has been a continuing Hubble target over the years.

A collection of images from 2007 have been combined to get full, even coverage of Jupiter. The resulting mosaic has been mapped onto a sphere, and one full rotation is presented in the visualization.

For more information or to download this video, visit: http://hubblesite.org/videos/video_details/7-jupiter-globe-rotation-loop

For more videos, visit: http://hubblesite.org/videos/

Ruined Tower Bridge – Speed art (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe – Made Personal by SORTED

Jamie loves a good curry and he insisted that if we’re making a dish personal to him… then it had to be his favourite! This chicken tikka masala is the closest you’ll get to the restaurant version without a tandoor oven. A few tips and ingredients, including smoked salt, cashew nuts and natural yoghurt make this spot on.

Cook it and tuck in for yourself if you have any doubts!

Get the full recipe at: http://sortedfood.com/chickentikkamasala

If you want to get involved and give us your recipe suggestions, head over to our Google+ community: http://plus.google.com/+sortedfood

Make sure you’re up to date on all the latest SORTED happenings:



► WTF Is… – Our Darker Purpose ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at a new rogue-lite from Avidly Wild Games.

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1mKv195

This review copy of the game was provided by the developer free of charge.

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شاكر الشريف في المهور الغالية #نادي_جدة_للكوميديا

نادي جدة للكوميديا يقدم فن الستاند أب للجمهور من خلال هواة يجربون حظهم للمرة الاولى. بعضهم يحلم بالوصول لعالم التمثيل، وبعضهم فقط يريد ان يستمتع مع جمهور محب للضحك وللمشاركة ولفن الستاند أب

لمعرفة المزيد عن نادي جدة للكوميديا، أو للتقديم على تجارب الاداء، أو لمعرفة مواعيد العروض وشراء التذاكر فضلا تابعنا على https://twitter.com/JedComedyClub