Hearthstone: Lord of the Arena – Episode 40

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TotalBiscuit brings you another Hearthstone Arena run

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► WTF Is… – Nidhogg ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the newly released award-winning fencing tug-of-war game from Messhof.

Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1kygNac

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Star Date: M83 A Citizen Science Project to Age Date Star Clusters

For the first time, a citizen science program has been developed in concert with a Hubble Heritage image.

Star Date: M83, a joint project between the Space Telescope Science Institute and +The Zooniverse, will use citizen scientists to help uncover the ages of star clusters in the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. Visit http://www.projectstardate.org/

Most of the billions of stars that reside in galaxies start their lives grouped together into clusters. In this activity, citizen scientists will do what humans can do better than computers: determine whether a cluster has hydrogen gas around it.

The basic idea is that it is possible to estimate the age of a star cluster based on its appearance and since humans are very good at seeing these sorts of details, participants will be helping STScI astronomers identify which of the clusters in the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83) have clouds of hydrogen gas around it.

Please join +Tony Darnell  as he discusses the launch of this initiative and with astronomers from the Star Date: M83 team.  You’ll learn how to identify the clusters and whether there is a cloud around them along with their color.  This will give astronomers valuable information in helping determine the age of the cluster.

#صاحي : طقطقة 9

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة التاسعة من برنامج “طقطقة” والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس دوري عبداللطيف جميل

موقع دوري عبداللطيف جميل : http://www.aljleague.com/
حساب دوري عبداللطيف جميل في تويتر : https://twitter.com/DawryALJ

موقع صاحي:
فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:
بلاك بيري صاحي:

طاقم عمل برنامج “طقطقة” في تويتر:

بندر حلواني : https://twitter.com/#!BandarHalawani
رامي القاضي : https://twitter.com/#!/Ramialgadi

Sephiroth’s Masamune (Final Fantasy VII) – MAN AT ARMS

Which weapon will be next? ► Subscribe! http://bit.ly/AWEsub

Every other Monday, master swordsmith Tony Swatton forges your favorite weapons from video games, movies, and television. This week, he tackles Sephiroth’s Sword from Final Fantasy VII.

Get your Awe Me or Man At Arms Swag: http://aweme.spreadshirt.com

And let us know in the comments below which weapon you’d like to see Tony build next!

More AWEme on Facebook: http://facebook.com/awemechannel
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/awemechannel

NOTE: Tony Swatton and Man At Arms have no connection to or involvement with the Final Fantasy franchise.


Series Created & Directed by Andy Signore

Line Producer: Adam Hiner
Produced by Blake Babson
Production Manager: Phil Rogers
Production Coordinator: Benjamin Montague
Story Producer: Brett Allen Smith

Director Of Photography — Matt Irwin – http://matt.irwincine.com

Master Blacksmith – Tony Swatton
Assistant Blacksmith – Alicia Minette, Bryan Forrest
Leather Work – Johnny Bias
Machinist – William the Elder, Christian M. Kollgaard III
Sculptor – Karen Cope

The Sword and the Stone – www.SwordandStone.com

Production Designer – Christopher Bradley
Assistant Production Designer – Marnie Liesel
Props – Christy Marie Hauptman
Set Dresser – Carolyn Feres

Stunt Coordinator – Christopher Bradley
Assistant Stunt Coordinator – Marnie Liesel

Bryan Forrest, Christopher Bradley, Tony Swatton, Karen Cope, Alicia Minette, Johnny Bias, Christian M. Kollgaard III

Set Photographer – Carolyn Feres, Bryan Forrest, Dominic D’Astice

Special Thanks
Cope Studios, Sypher Arts Studios, Shawn Strider, Next Level Stunts, Justin Rojas, Steve Winsett, Glenn Freund, Black Hand Mercantile, Lennon Hobson

Speed Bowl League – Match 2 – TB vs Force Strategy

TotalBiscuit brings you the second match of the new Speed Blood Bowl League, facing off against Force Strategy.

Check out Force’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ForceSC2strategy

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