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Music Soothes the Savage Beast
Melting down a bronze acoustic “A” string
Paul Trinca – Regret (A Few Years Away) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVoyl09tDV8
Paultrincamusic – http://www.youtube.com/user/paultrincamusic?feature=watch
Kyle Hess @ MrDreamPipe – http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDreamPipe
-Full credit to Paul Trinca for usage of the song Regret (A Few Years Away)-
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#أمريكا 101 – فيزا
إشترك في قناة ميركوت:
سلسلة كرتونية من انتاج ميركوت.
تابع رحلة نواف للدراسة في الولايات الأمريكية المتحدة.
شاهد المزيد من الحلقات على الرابط التالي:
تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:
Mini Matchstick Gun – The Clothespin Pocket Pistol
Learn how to turn boring old clothespins into powerful matchstick & toothpick shooters, that will stick into apples, and lob firey darts over 20 feet.
This video was sponsored by Opinion Outpost, where you can make money by taking surveys: http://bit.ly/KqouhW
Some quick links to a few of the materials I used:
[✓] Wood Glue: http://amzn.to/2cizs9L
[✓] Utility Knife: http://amzn.to/2bSeUsh
[✓] Clothes Pins: http://amzn.to/2c6EA0U
Congratulations to Nitrocodrilo Neo, Mrcoolaj11, and Cameron McKay. The 3 winners of the Peg Gun Contest!
Subscribe for new videos posted Randomly! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
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For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com
Social Media Links:
Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
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Instagram: https://goo.gl/C0Q1YU
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
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Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr
Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about
Endcard Links:
Bottle Rockets: https://goo.gl/QCxLVwMaking Dry Ice: https://goo.gl/cr1T18Slimy Ooze: https://goo.gl/y277NWRocket Rifle: https://goo.gl/cqWcvB
Music By:
http://www.machinimasound.com (Fire Within)
Project Inspired By:
Instructables author “Samarai” and his awesome tutorial on making a Clothespin Gun. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Clothespin-Gun/
Projectiles should never be shot at any living thing. Injury or damage may result. Lighting match heads and firing them indoors is strongly discouraged. Competent adult supervision is advised when using the device. There may be other risks associated with these projects that have not been disclosed, or of which I am not aware. Use of video content is at own risk.
Project History & More Info:
I made some minor modifications to this “Clothespin Gun” idea, as well as loads of personal testing and experimenting that resulted in over 7 prototypes, but in the end, this design proved to be really great, and a fun toy for me and my kids.
إصلاح أسطوانة مخدوشة باستعمال الموز أو معجون الأسنان
㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【 إشترك يا حلو】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡
مواضيع قد تهمك
الدرس : إسترجع ملفاتك وصورك من أسطوانة معطوبة وتالفة بسهولة
كيف تخترق الويب كام لأي شخص
خمسة مواقع لقياس سرعة النت على جهازك
الدرس : تحويل الوندوز xp إلى الوندوز 7
موقع يحدد لك نسبة النظر لديك عبر 12 اختبار بسيط
الدرس: تعرف على طريقة تثبيت توزيعة wifiway لاختراق شبكات الوايرلس
لا تنسى زيارتنا على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك
㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【huhu】【1981】【ful2】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡
Egg-Fried Rice Noodles with Chicken – Gordon Ramsay
Tenderising chicken breast and cooking it very fast means that it stays moist – perfect for this dish. This recipe cooks literally cooks in minutes – a healthy, affordable and fast weekday meal with simple flavours.
If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s Channels
Follow Gordon on Twitter @GordonRamsay01 and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Gordonramsay01
جو تيوب | حزّمني يا سيسي
فيس بوك:
مونتاج وإخراج أحمد الذكيري: https://twitter.com/Zekairy
تقديم يوسف حسين: https://twitter.com/youssef_hussen